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Give and get support around quitting


Smoking Makes You Ugly

Hi, There doesnt seem to be many recent posts,Iam on day 4 and I hate the way I look and I dont want to go out like that my parents both passed away from lung cancer. It is no way to go believe me so helpless...well I am just getting over pnemonia and had no choice so here I am no patch, gum, pills nothing but a will 2 live better.....Thanks Lisa
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11 days, but weekend is here, I start to feel uneasy, I quick many times before but always fail whne weekend rolls aroud, feel need to gave myself reward 'smoke', bad..bad....thought, I'm not going to fail, I have been doing good, breath much easier, less wrickles, no cancer... I just need to remind myself. Thanks
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Hi everyone.
  This group is great I've been reading through the posts and this is it. Sounds like we're all in the same boat. I WANT TO QUIT. Smoking affects every part of my life and every part of my life revolves around smoking. My skin sucks. I'm 39 years old and getting wrinkley. YUCK. I break out, my hair is in bad shape and I use to be pretty hot. Hmmm. I know I can change it. My 40th b-day is right around the corner and I'm determined to get in shape. It all starts with being smoke free. NO ALCOHOL. NO SMOKES. I need a quitting buddy. everyone around me drinks and smokes. I'm always in a slippery place. I'm pretty much on my own with this. I must rise above.
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Just wanted to let you all know, I have been smoke-free since last Wednesday! I had set my date for Saturday, Sept. 16, but after reading a few posts by others I figured why not now. So today will be day 7. Here's the strange part. I actually had a beer on Saturday and I still drink my coffee every morning.. I blew the doors off my timing last night at derby practice. THAT felt great! Gave the seasoned skaters a run for their money. The blood sugar thing has been the hardest part. I struggle to keep my focus, I get dizzy, disconnected, and tired! So I'm learning to eat more often, something I think quitters fear most because of the potential for weight gain. I keep hearing someone's words in their post on this website " No Turning Back!.........Keep Marching On" These 6 words have been the most empowering tool I've used yet. Thank-you!
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Hey all! My name's Tiffany. I'm an ex of 15 days now. Looking forward to meeting more quitters soon. Take care!
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i've had one cigarette in the past day and a half, now! and the urges come but aren't strong. i am doing it all by will power, no lozenges, or patches or gums! just all me and wanting to be completely healthy for myself and daughter! hope i can be smoke-free soon!
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Hi my name is Jason and Im in day one and doing it cold each hour has been a test so far. It kewl to c there r so many more people doing the same
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Hey, I'm Sarah, and I quit smoking July 30th. I smoked a pack a day, give or take for 5 years. I was never meant to be a smoker, didn't choose to become addicted but you know how it goes. I've been smoke free for 2+ months, and I feel GREAT! I did 'cold turkey' but I read the book 'The Easy Way to Quit Smoking' by Allen Carr. Changed my life. If you're struggling in the first days of quitting or havent quit yet, GET THE BOOK! Plus w/ this website you wont fail. Finally not having cigarettes run my life is incredible. You CAN be a happy non-smoker, it is possible! Good luck everyone!
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three days ago i decided to quit all by myself, and i was doing great until two days ago when my boyfriend came home and decided to stress me out! so i had four cigarettes. than since the nicotine was in me all over again, i had about 6 or so yesterday, and about 5 today. but unlucky me has pneumonia! 😞 so im trying my damned hardest to stay away from them as i can't breathe now! wish me luck now that i am back at square one!
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Is this website just about support? Are there any tips anywhere? I haven't quit smoking yet, but I want to. It seems like everyone on here is kinda doing their own thing. Any tips? I hate the gum and I'm allergic to patches. I've tried to quit cold turkey, but it never works out.
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I'm afraid of the weight gain i'll receive after i quit. About how much do people usually gain?
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