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Smoking Makes You Ugly

Hi, There doesnt seem to be many recent posts,Iam on day 4 and I hate the way I look and I dont want to go out like that my parents both passed away from lung cancer. It is no way to go believe me so helpless...well I am just getting over pnemonia and had no choice so here I am no patch, gum, pills nothing but a will 2 live better.....Thanks Lisa
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120 Replies

Hvae definitely noticed those extra wrinkles and not-so-bright teeth. Will be chossing a start date soon, and I'm wondering if the weight gain is as bad as I hear? Has anyone experienced this, or have ideas to deal with it? Does it happen because you replace the cigs with food?
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I have gained 3 lbs. I plan on exercising everyday. Not alot just a little.Cindy
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I am planning to go walking at a park nearby my house, so I can take in the beauty of nature and breathe in the fresh, clean air. Also, one of my goals is to whiten my teeth. Before, I would whiten them but by the next week they would be yellow again, so I completely wasted my money. I know that bright white teeth and fewer smoke-related wrinkles will keep me looking my best, so I will think about that every day for motivation. By the way Cindy, don't you get enough exercise running around after 4 kids!? lol
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Yea but he exercise helps to sleep and relax. I'm the same way about my teeth. mine are whit but they can definetely get whitter. I dod not want the wrinkles either. I notice my skin does look brighter.(Maybe it is in my head) Have a nice day Lauren, Cindy
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every time i sneak a cigarette, i force myself to ride my bike to somewhere in the city to put one of these stickers up. it makes me do aerobic exercise, which the smoking doesn't help, and also makes me think twice about if i really want that smoke.

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My mom said that when you quit smoking you start to gain weight. I find this a little silly but if I think of cigs as crack then it sort of makes sense. Do you guys know anything about this?
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I heard about the weight gain too. So for the first month, not only am I giving alcohol up as well (LOADS OF CALORIES AND A TRIGGER), but I'm going vegetarian. I do it every so often for a cleanse. Honestly, I know its not for everyone, but focusing on eating healthier, makes you feel better as a whole.
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I only gained 3 lbs and it has been 31 days. Don't worry about the weight gain. Cindy
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anyone have any recommendations to get rid of smoke lines near your mouth?
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No I wish I did. I hope someone posts. Maybe a chemoical peel? Cindy
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