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Smokin dreams

Does anybody else have a dream where you smoke a cigarette and then you're mad at yourself for smoking that cigarette and then you wake up I've had two of these dreams it's been 17 days since I quit

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18 Replies

Yes - it is just a reminder for ME - I am a RECOVERING NICOTINE ADDICT - I have them every now and again - sometimes I even SMELL CIGARETTE SMOKE - it all passes - CONGRATS ON 18 DAYS OF FREEDOM

Just sharing His love and PLEASE remember - Just for TODAY - Smoking Is Not An Option - s.i.n.a.o. - Yahoooooo and thank you SOOOOO much for teaching ME to remain grateful that - I am NOT sucking on DEATH STICKS to cope with MY insides about MY Ma being in hospice for 7 months - I will continue to pray for MY mama in MY Lord Jesus name and I thanking MY Daddy God for YOU because  - YOU give ME HOPE -  because I am NOT alone dealing with MY Ma slowly dying and s.i.n.a.o. for ME just for TODAY and - WE - will STAY NON SMOKERS TOGETHER - ONE breath at a time

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Well said... beautiful.... God Is by our sides always ...God bless you and your mother may she be comfort in this time

God bless you

A.S.A.P......always stop and pray

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Yes, I still have them on occasion.  It is upsetting if you actually smoke in the dream.  When you first wake up, you think you really smoked.


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Right I had laid in bed wondering if I did smoke or not and then when I realized it was just a dream I was so relieved but in my dream I had actually lit it up and smoked a few puffs and then began to be actually mad at myself weird well celebrating my 20th day by ordering doordash

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Glad you came to the site to read and post.  I know how much it helped me early in my quit.   Distract with whatever tools you've chosen and keep moving forward.  Congrats on 20 days of success.

Have a great Sunday.


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Thanks barb

Day 31

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Yep, I have had dreams in which I smoked, more so at the beginning of my quit. Since I was a closet smoker I would sometimes be hiding while I snuck one.  Very unsettling, even once I woke up.  Many of us smoked for so long that it is deeply ingrained in our memories.  Take it as a reminder that you no longer have to smoke, and be grateful.  You are right on schedule. Congratulations on seeking your freedom!


I have only had one dream where I smoked. I was sneaking one of my ex husbands smokes in an apartment bathroom. Which is exactly how I started smoking. I was not mad at myself in the dream, I just stared at myself in the bathroom mirror while I did it.

Dream disturbed me more because it forced me to unpack and face some real negative things from my past. Can't smoke our problems away.


Wow such a detailed dream you're so bright we can't smoke our troubles away thanks for your post I appreciate it have a nice safe day

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