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Smoke-free for one year

One year ago yesterday, I was at Urgent Care fighting for every breath I took. After intravenous corticosteroids and a couple of hours inhaling albuterol from a nebulizer, I could breathe again!! Not being able to breathe was truly terrifying. I was given prescriptions for pills and an inhaler, told to stop smoking and sent on my way. That was one year ago yesterday and if it weren't for one year ago today, I'd be dead.      One year ago today, I didn't smoke a cigarette and I haven't smoked one since that day. My heart rate and blood pressure are normal; my lungs work better; I cough less and I don't wheeze at all; food smells and tastes better; and I've saved money.       I have a note on my door that reads: "Smoking is not an option anymore for any reason under any circumstances". I saw that phrase last year here at BecomeanEx and it reminds me that smoking is not important. I don't need it and it does not need me. I hope the best for all of you.                            

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3 Replies

I quit in 2010 and have relapsed. I have COPD and your saying is going on my refrigerator in big print. I'll be here for you . Please be there for me. I'm candylance and I have had 2 hipreplacements on each side and both my knees replaced. I've almost lost 40 pounds and am so scared I'll gain it back but compared to my LIFE what's a few pounds?

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Hi! I've been tracking my smokes for two days and a pack of cigs lasted two days instead of one. Thanks for the encouragement and your saying (above) has been posted on my fridge. I've read it at least ten times today. Congratulations on your year.

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Hello there,I am a newbie,no smoke for 9 days.Just got home from a stressful day at work drank 2 beers and would love a cig.I have already gained 5 pounds.Help!!! does the craving ever go away.Think I will just go to bed at 8:00 so I will not eat or smoke

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