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Sleep Problems After Quitting

Have any of you experienced serious sleep challenges after quitting? I’m just shy of two weeks into my quit. I’m NOT using the patch, Chantix, or any other med known to interfere with sleep. I am using the lozenge, but most days I only use two with the second one coming after lunch. 

For three nights now, I’ve fallen asleep just fine, and then wake up 30 minutes to an hour later.  That pattern continues for the rest of the night, sleeping an hour and then waking up again. If I’m really lucky,  i’ll sleep two straight hours at least one time during the night.  Finally, around 4 AM, I give up and just stay up. I am EXHAUSTED.  I need to fix this somehow, or I’m worried it could lead to a slip. I'm not young enough to go without sleep like this and still manage to work full time. 

 If you’ve had a similar experience, what did you do that helped?  Is this a quit-related thing that will end soon? What do you guys think? 

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I have had sleep problems in the past with smoking cessation. So far, not this quit. I could fall asleep just fine but staying asleep was my problem as well. I started listening to meditation on youtube or apps on my phone to help me relax. I honestly can't say that any of them helped me stay asleep but the breathing exercises helped me relax and I could use the if I woke again. My body regulated itself after some time but I don't remember how long it took.

It was really tough to deal with. It's exhausting. Because I was so exhausted, I was over emotional. I found myself crying at the drop of a hat. I recommend not trying to put to much thought into why you can' t sleep while you're not sleeping (meditate, distract or use pharmaceuticals). I can promise you that as soon as I felt like I just couldn't take it anymore that my body regulated it's sleep pattern. (Kind of like when that new baby isn't sleeping through the night--This too shall pass). I hope you get your sleep soon! 


I think your body is stressed.  Try some evening yoga stretches, warm bath and a little melatonin. See how that works. It will get better.


I sometimes take benadryl and it puts me to sleep and KEEPS me there as long as I am not having pain issues.  I have a terrible time if I wake up because then my brain goes into overdrive and everything that has been bothering me comes to the surface and won't go away.  Sometimes I turn the TV on but that's not a good idea so I get something to read...something that is not too interesting because that can have a reverse effect.  I stopped smoking over four years ago so I am certain it is not smoking related, it is just my brain.



This was very interesting to me.  I also am early in my quit, and I wake up at 4:00 in the morning.  Today I was able to nap from 7-8.  I do take a medication for sleep, but that only helps put me to sleep.  I take a prescription medication.

Sometimes, eating some protein, like a piece of bread with peanut butter helps with a glass of milk.


First of all, I want you to know that I'm proud of you for making it almost 2 weeks. I am on day 22 now. I use the equate nicotine patches so I don't know if I'll be much help. Did you have any trouble sleeping before you quit? If not the only thing that I can think of is that your mind and body are starting to heal itself. I read on here that your body starts to heal within 3 hours of quitting. For me when I quit I stayed sleepy all day, I don't know if that was from me quitting or me being on the patch. I don't know I wasn't much help but I will always be here to support you. Message me anytime you want.


Waynemoye62  This blog is four months old...  Just wanted you to know that you are not likely to get a response.


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