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Should I give up coffee too?

So, I think this is an important topic.  Not just coffee, but other things that trigger you to smoke.  I think most will agree a cigarette with coffee in the morning went together like cereal and milk.  In my past attempts to quit smoking I avoided coffee and alcohol as both would give me an urge to smoke.  This time around I went the other way.  My reasoning is why should I give up other things I enjoy for this one reason?  It seems harder to quit 3 or 4 things than just one.  I hit 49 days today and so far I feel like this new approach has helped me be successful to this point.  

14 Replies

I couldn't give up my cappuccino so I just found something else to do and not go to my smoking place.  I got on Ex, read the news, did some banking.  I enjoyed the taste of my coffee.  Not everyone can drink coffee during the beginnings of their quit but if you're like me that can't function before that first infusion of caffeine try switching up how and where you drink it.  If you still can't have coffee without wanted to smoke then I would give it up for a while or drink the dreaded decaf for a while until NOT smoking with coffee is the norm.  Congrats on your quit!!!!!!


I quit coffee for several weeks and drank green tea instead.  I HATE green tea, after several weeks, I realized that smoking and coffee did NOT go together for me.  I never smoked in the house and I never drank my coffee outside.  I DID find myself much more sensitive to caffeine.  I had failed quits in the past based upon trying to quit sweets, exercise vigorously every time I felt a crave, seriously, I felt like I was punishing myself for quitting.  This time, I had this site and the amazing support from the people here.  It made all the difference in the world.  



I think it's a personal choice. I used to sit outside every morning with my cigarettes and coffee. I couldn't imagine drinking coffee without my smokes.  Prior to choosing to quit I made up my mind that I had to change up my coffee habits .  Instead of going outside, I'd stay in at first, have my coffee and read my meditation books or the bible.  Or, I'd go to the local coffee shop, order a coffee and people watch for a bit.  I went to the park nearby, sat on the bench, sipped my coffee and then took a walk.  Those are just a few of lots of changes I've been making for the better.  There's days that are tough, not all roses, but the tough times are getting less and less.  I was a 45 year, pack a day or so, smoker.  I'm 84 days smoke free. I encourage you to find what works for you best. I've used this group along with other support. This group is awesome! 


Congratulations!  It sounds like whatever you are doing is working for you so keep it up.  You got this!

- Michelle


Thanks for starting this conversation, Thovis‌ !  I think there is an important lesson that all new quitters need to know, and elders need reminding of...

Quitting smoking is NOT a one-size-fits-all process.  While we all go thru the same withdrawals, and addiction is and equal opportunity slave driver, there are a lot of roads that lead to Rome (nicotine freedom) and whichever one gets YOU there is the best road for you.

Enough aphorisms in there for ya? LOL!  But all true which is why they are used so much.