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Give and get support around quitting


September 22!

I will officially be a quitter on Sept. 22, I would love to be someones stop smoking buddy!

I'm currently working on separating my smoking from my triggers. My triggers are common...a cigarette when I wake up, after I the car, after I eat..when I'm at the computer..watching T.V...mostly boredom.

So now I stop my activity and go outside to smoke and I don't smoke in the car. I'm waiting 30 min after I wake up and after I eat to smoke. I can smoke anytime I want at this point, I just have to do it outside.

I would love to find a quitting buddy who isn't using any patches, gum, or medication. Let me know!
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3 Replies

Hello Lauren - I am going to try this on my own starting tomorrow. Nothing worked for me in the past so this is the only way. I have gotten to the point of no return now and God help me to do this by myself. I will keep you posted on how it works out and best of luck to you.
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Lauren and Kris
I want to quit by Sept. 19 which is my birthday. I will not use patch or medication. Typically I do not smoke more than 5-6 cigs per day. I won't smoke in the car or on my property. I want to be free of the bondage of this. It is ridiculous.
I also do not want to gain a bunch of weight if you have any ideas. I've read the ones on here, like drinking tons of water and exercise.
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Hi Lauren,
I'm also going to be trying to quit without any medications... I've tried the gum and the lozenges before and I didn't find them to be very helpful to me. My quit date is September 6th and I also have been working on my triggers.
Kudos to you on not smoking in the car anymore! That's been the hardest one for me to conquer... I do soooo much driving.
I think if you keep on the path you're on you're going to be fine. I mentioned in an early post that I liked the small battles thing before actually quitting. I like the challenges and feel like I'm actually making progress while still smoking. It's kind of a self-esteem booster!
Keep up the good work and let me know how you're doing!
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