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Give and get support around quitting

Schizophrenia and smoking

Are there other schizophrenics here?

Ive been smoking since my dad handed me my first cigarette at 15. (Im 30.) I quit while I was pregnant and I quit for awhile after the first hospitalization for bronchitis. 

Today, I got released for pneumonia from the hospital (i was there since friday until Tuesday).

I'm not sure what to say. Smoking is going to kill me and I don't know how to stop, I've done patches and chantix. I'm lost right now. 

14 Replies



I'm bipolar and completely understand what you what you're going through. I've read studies that say people with a mental illness are much more likely to smoke. Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is addictive and just like alcohol and recreational drugs people with mental illness are more likely to smoke. If you've ever been in a psych hospital before the ban on medical facilities grounds I found that more than 1/2 of the patients smoked. An addict is an addict no matter what the drug of choice is. I think we have to work a little harder at quitting. Just my opinion on that one though.


My eldest was on a fancy alcohol rehab campus and they actually ENCOURAGED smoking (this was about 15 years ago).    Took them off campus in a van  to buy them every week!  I HATED that they did that, but I guess they thought smoking was a lesser addiction.

minihorses - how are you doing?


Hi there, I'm Angie and I'm 53 years old.  I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia at age 20 or 21, and I lost the ability to sleep naturally and started taking Haldol which is a strong tranquilizer and it helped me get to sleep and I was able to wake up on time. I started smoking cigarettes a pack per day. A few years later I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and started taking Lithium and my psychiatrist told me that I had partial symptoms of each illnesses and said I had schizoaffective disorder. So I've been smoking cigarettes and cigars now for about 32 years. I have tried the patches, gum, lozenges, spray, bupropion, Chantix, acupuncture, chamomile tea, and have been only able to stop smoking temporarily but have always relapsed and started smoking again. I don't know what to do to successfully quit smoking either. I just have to keep trying and not give up on myself even if I always relapse and start smoking again. It's frustrating and complicated. 

0 Kudos

It's OK to be scared based on the past quits but that's the past. This time make a list of what happened and how you felt when you picked up the first cigarette again. Then add ways you can deal with those and list what you can do instead. It helped me tremendously. Now I'm on 444 days free. It can be done. Ex is the second reason I've stayed quit. The love and support is unbeatable and will help you through anything! 

I say this is my millionth time I've tried to quit. I forgot to ask if you how you feel about quitting.  Do you feel that you want to quit or you need to quit? All the people I know that have had successful quits,including myself now, have said if you want to quit you'll be more likely to do so and to stay quit versus those who say they need to quit. That's also what worked for me this time. I really wanted it no matter what. I was scared and worried that this would be another failure and I'd probably go back in 3-4 months. I'm proud to say I've made it 444 days. Yes my bipolar has been messing w/ me. I've been suicidal to the point of the letter, how and plan, ASAP but this time I didn't run to the store for smokes. That's a new one for me. I've switched one depression med and I'm not suicidal anymore thank god.

You CAN quit and we'll support you through thick and thin!

