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Smokeless for 9 days!. No super big urges. Treadmill 40 mins and 4 hour bike ride yesterday. No problem. But when I wake I'm short of breath which lasts an hour or so. Have very low grade emphysema. No bother during the day. Any clues?
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10 Replies

Hi, Me and you are in about the same boat I have mild Emphysema just found out I am 46 been smoking since I was 13 quit many times...I work out 3 to 4 times a week for 1.5 hours each time, I dont have shortness of breath in the morning though I dont use any meds I can talk to doc about it...she told me anyone that has smoked more then 10 years has it they just don't know it, why dont they tell us this before it goes so lo9ng she told me I quit but so many dont have a clue they have it....stay in touch I would love to know more about you how long you smoked and how much I smoked about a pack a day...Karen
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Hiya. In Chicago now, go to Miami Beach for the winter. (In good weather all year). Biggest problem is family far away and not too many friends I can share all this with, Boredom is my biggest proble. But I have no plans to smoke again (heard that one before?). Anyhow keep in touch.
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Hiya. In Chicago now, go to Miami Beach for the winter. (In good weather all year). Biggest problem is family far away and not too many friends I can share all this with, Boredom is my biggest proble. But I have no plans to smoke again (heard that one before?). Anyhow keep in touch.
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Hi Marc, I have moderate emphysema and I have the shortness of breath in the morning too. But I am on two different kinds of inhalers for mine. I think right now the biggest thing for you is that your body is still getting rid of the junk from the years of smoking. It only takes 72 hours to get rid of the physical addiction from smoking, but it takes a lot longer than that to rid itself from all of the nasties from it. You spent X amount of years smoking, you can't expect your body to just heal in just 9 short days. Give it time. The longer you stay quit, the better you will feel. Keep up with the treadmill and the bike riding. And remember to breathe correctly. In through the nose and out through the mouth. That will build strength in your lungs. Keep up the good work on your quit. You're doing really good.
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Dear Marc: Tomorrow is my quit day and I'm already concerned about boredom. Last time I quit (for two short months), I started renovations that are still unfinished. I want to smoke when I'm bored, stressed out or when I need a break from work. I also smoke on the phone and will be calling friends for support. You're in, or almost in, Miami. Could you take up a new water sport to ease boredom...nothing kills a cig faster than water. Karen
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I experienced what you are describing when I first quit. It's not unusual.

One thing that we KNOW is going on is that your lungs and bronchial tract are starting to clean themselves out for the first time in years. A lot of "stuff" is loosening up which can have the short term effect of making breathing a little harder.

I can't prove this, but I have a very strong suspicion that the cigarette companies put "bronchial dialators" in their product. These act like little mini ashma inhalers to open up breathing passageways with every puff to mask the true impact of smoking. If I'm right, then it will feel like it's harder to breath when you quit smoking (just want the tobacco companies want you to think: "Oh, smoking helps me breathe").

Of course, over the long haul, smoking kills you from inability to breathe, but for the short term ( a week or two), it may be something you have to work through.
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Wow. great reply. I thank you.
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Yes. Your body is recovering from the years of damage that smoking did to you. I remember coughing up alot of phlem. It takes awhile for the body to heal and some of the damage is permanent, as you know. But believe me, soon you'll be feeling so much better.
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