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Relapsed - Starting fresh

Well, I only got 5 days in.. I started this with great drive and motivation. Maybe I went about this the wrong way. I've been vaping high level nicotine for about 3 years now and decided to quit last Tuesday and started last Wednesday. I bought some nicotine gum to help take the edge off of the cravings and it all started out well. I decided to simply space out the time in which I would vape. Typically I would finish a vape cartridge within 2 days and would hit my vape over 10 times an hour. I decided I would only hit my vape every 3 hours. Next day 4 hours. Next day 5 hours and so on. Things were going well until the third day which was very difficult. My mood was low, the cravings were immense but I got through it. The 4th day, Saturday, went well as I kept myself busy with golf in the morning and didn't bring my vape. Had very little cravings at all and felt like I got through the thick of it. Sunday, everything fell apart. I cant say that the cravings were all that bad, but I was at home most of the day with my vape just in the other room. I gave in a lot more than I would've liked especially in the morning. I felt like I took a huge step back. I decided that I had to just get rid of it. If it wasn't there I feel like I would've been fine popping in a nicotine gum and eventually forgetting about it. I'm not even sure if it is a relapse as I never really had cut it out. I'm just so sick of this addiction and I'm either quitting or I'm not. Throwing it out seems like the only viable option. Please God give me strength. 

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5 Replies

Welcome to the Ex @jakekeeton2 In addition to some aids, finding the Ex and smoking cessation class, I did cut down smoking for a week on a strict schedule.  It worked for me, but that doesn't mean it will work for everyone.   

Start from the beginning.  Before your quit date,  spend time educating yourself about nicotine addiction and creating a quit plan.  I tried to quit numerous times by picking a date and an aid.  I didn't do any work to prepare for my quit.  I was never successful.

  Identify what tools you'll use and the new associations you'll create instead of vaping.  When a crave arrives, you'll be ready work through it.   This link will provide more information about  the how-tos.

Keeping busy can really help.  For you golf may be the answer.  I walked a lot--just short walks when I had a craving.   It's a great distraction and exercise helps to replace lost dopamine from quitting.   We all have our favorites.  In addition to walking, I chewed on straws, used Sour Patch Kids, video games, and deep breathing.   

Get rid of the vaping paraphernalia.     If it's not there, you can't do it.  

Glad you found the Ex.  Having the support of fellow quitters has made the difference for many. We're here to cheer you on.  Just reach out anytime you feel the need.   It works!





@jakekeeton2 How are you doing?



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@Barbscloud I'm doing much better now. It helps not having it lay around and I've been able to manage much better since then. It was a hard pill to swallow for the first few days. At times I felt like I missed it and was sad that I was letting it go. My mind was just playing tricks on me because my addiction to nicotine had been something that bothered me for a long time. Nicotine addiction is no joke. It effects so much, from bodily function to mental states. It's a tough thing to overcome.


@jakekeeton2 Happy to hear that.  It's common to feel that loss.  Many describe it as a feeling of losing their best friend. But it makes sense when we realize we associated  nicotine with every activity and emotion in our lives, good or bad.  

You're right about nicotine being a terrible addiction.  But the realization that is an addiction, is the first step for many quitters to be successful.

Stay close and reach out if you need us.



I'm curious how @jakekeeton2 is doing too. Check in to let us know 😃

@Barbscloud You give heartfelt and loving advice to quitters. I enjoy reading the encouragement you give to others. Thank you for being here and cheering everyone on!❤️🤗