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Quitting when spouse smokes

Hello all,

I am planning to quit. I have learned so much by reading the wonderful content in this community.

I am in the preparation stage, and I have a question that may have been answered here.

My husband smokes. He has been smoking for most of his life. He says he wants to quit, but I cannot wait until he is ready. His smoking habit is not mine. Even married, people are responsible for themselves. I am taking responsibility for me, but I do need some guidance.

Any suggestions on how to power my way through? It will be tricky to navigate. Thanks!

18 Replies

My wife quit almost 5 years before I did.   She was a lot smarter  I respected her quit as I never let my cigarettes out in the open. I never smoked in the house or if we were out I ran off and smoked away from home Yes I even refused to give her any when she asked a couple of times in the beginning.  

 What I'm saying if you have his support it will be easier on you and don't give up hope on him It just takes some of us a little longer    One last thing You Will NEVER REGRET Quitting 



Welcome. Good for you taking control of your life. Use that strength to take control of your quit. You can do this and we can help you. NOPE. Who knows your courage in quitting may help your husband to quit too.


It's tricky trying to quit when a spouse still smoke and has not yet decided to also quit. I've never been married. But I know what it's like to have a partner who smokes. The best advice I can give is try not to look at your spouse while he lights up and takes a drag, etc . Every cigarette he smokes you do something constructive to cope with your cravings and take your mind off of them. I hope you find this helpful!


audy‌ I am 40 days into my quit this time. I relapsed many times and started over many times and the biggest trigger was my partner smoking. At first she wasn’t respecting my requests that she not smoke around me, but my withdrawal symptoms were so severe each time I would quit that she started adhering to the boundaries that I set. She didn’t want me to suffer anymore and she didn’t want to have to deal with my mood swings and irritablity. 

The biggest piece of advice I can offer is setting boundaries and expectations right off the bat. If your husband is smoking leave the area. If he’s smoking in your house ask him to go outside or only smoke in one room. Make your car a nonsmoking one. 

Pay attention to the changes you experience when you quit and celebrate each little thing. You deserve fresh air!


Doable.  Read and research the website, there are many here who have quit with a significant other that smoked.  


Have you picked a quit date?  Take the next step to being nicotine free.


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Great advice here. Not much I can add. Except to say I also quit with a smoking partner around. I'm now two years quit and loving it. It can be done and you will be so glad you did it. Chin up, take care of you.


So how's your Quit Journey Going Now?

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I am quit since August 12, 2018.  Yes, my husband still smokes, but he goes outside where I cannot see him.  No matter, because I would not light up with him, no matter what!  Been there.  Done that.  Not going into that pit of addiction again...  He has his state and you have yours.  You own your own quit.

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