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Quitting alcohol with cigarettes?

Day 4- barely made it. I was really talking myself into "just one" and probably would have gone to get some, but my husband came home and I didn't want to admit to him that I was about to cave. 

And I was about to cave because I was drinking. I generally have a couple of cocktails every night, but it's a big trigger and I know I'd be better off giving up alcohol for now, but seems like a really radical change too.

Have any experience with quitting both together when you're addicted to both?

Thank you! Happy Sunday!

24 Replies

One of my favorite tips for being happy:

"Dance like nobody is watching!"

Good for you for doing it!!!


Try listening to music It always helped me   Still does


I put myself to bed early on SO many nights. It was the only way I could guarantee going to bed a WINNER. It is a perfectly good and acceptable tool! Your body and mind needs its rest to fight the battle with addiction. 


I do not consume alcohol so not sure how does it works, but I can understand that the cravings will be much more due to alcohol as alcohol goes into blood directly, and would instigate appetite for nicotine. (same is for nicotine when smoking)

May be good idea to stop alcohol too, for very good reason, stopping smoking !

All the best !


I'm rooting for you 

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