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Quitting alcohol with cigarettes?

Day 4- barely made it. I was really talking myself into "just one" and probably would have gone to get some, but my husband came home and I didn't want to admit to him that I was about to cave. 

And I was about to cave because I was drinking. I generally have a couple of cocktails every night, but it's a big trigger and I know I'd be better off giving up alcohol for now, but seems like a really radical change too.

Have any experience with quitting both together when you're addicted to both?

Thank you! Happy Sunday!

24 Replies


Welcome to EX. Quitting is not about willpower, it’s about willingness. Being willing to take this one day at a time journey. JonesCarpeDiem‌ and YoungAtHeart‌ can really explain better than l can. I think quitting drinking & smoking at the sane time is a great idea, they really seem to go together.




I LOVE THIS "Quitting is not about willpower, it’s about willingness"


I gave up drinking for the first 2 months I knew if I drank I would smoke. They went hand in hand 

I just never intended to quit drinking permanently.  Of course this was me You need to protect your quit the best way you can

  I will say I never went back to drinking like I did before  I don't miss it

  Every once in awhile  I'll enjoy a glass of wine with Joyce my wife or a beer or 2 with my sons or brothers on a holiday


I was a “double winner” in the addiction game. A nicotine addict and an alcoholic. Medical experts call this “comorbid” addictions. But I didn’t know it until I found I could not quit smoking after years of trying. Alcohol always messed me up. I didn’t think I was an alcoholic. But I was. The definition that ended up fitting me was : “If, when we have a good reason for not drinking (like quitting smoking for me) and we find we cannot”; or “if when we do drink, we have trouble controlling the amount”, “we are probably alcoholic”. (excerpted from the book “Alcoholics Anonymous”. 

I easily made both criteria. So finally I did something about my drinking problem and had my last drink on 11/21/98. I failed several more times in my smoking quits but finally had my last puff on 2/28/2001 using the tools I had acquired while quitting drinking. 

The two best things I ever did for myself, and the two biggest raises I ever gave myself. I would be long dead by now had I not figured it out. I did get emphysema out of the delays. But I am alive, and I’m still sober, smoke-free, and downhill skiing and fishing at 67.

Whether you give it up temporarily, or permanently like I did, alcohol is the death of many, many quits. I highly recommend not drinking while quitting. For most people that isn’t a problem. If that does turn out to be a problem, re-read paragraph 1.

Your friend in Montana



sylvieberger You received good advice above me...I used to have a beer or a few on Friday night...had to give up for months that and any alcohol in the early days of my quit...this is my 3rd and last quit...the other 2 quits I every had I lost to alcohol...let it be a warning...if you drink every night, you may want to speak to your Doctor in order to help...I think 4 days quit smoking is super...Colleen 769 DOF 


Wow this thread!! Amazing quit stories here. Congratulations to all of you!! How inspiring indeed.  Keep reaching out and coming here on ex is my advice.  Plenty of very experienced, kind, and knowledgeable folks here who are supportive.  Keep reading and educating is one thing that has really helped me.  5 days no cigs so not much time but this quit with the help of this community is completely different than any other time I have tried to quit.  Best wishes and great job on completing day 4!! . You CAN do this and we've got your back


Congrats 5 DOF


Thanks everyone! Day 5 no cigarettes and day 2 no alcohol. I am really on edge tonight though- so anxious and uncomfortable. If I had a sleeping pill I would go to bed now...blaghh

But I know it will pass


Change your evening routine up - read, call a friend, play a computer game, take a long/hot soak in the tub, talk hubby into going for a walk, or march in place.  Please just don't sit there and be bored. 

This quit thing takes work on your part in the early days - and you are tackling two things at once.

Get busy - get your mind occupied.  Look online for a crossword or jigsaw puzzle and order it.

You ARE doing this - but it could be a bit easier if you DO something!


Definitely have to keep myself very busy! I downloaded Just Dance 2021 for the switch- it was fun and good exercise.

I'm not good at it but that's not the point  

Thanks for your ideas!