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Give and get support around quitting


Quitting again..........

Hi I have been smoking for 20 yrs and tried quitting countless times. I am here to quit. I have been "working" on this quit for about 2 1/2 weeks. I have only made it smoke free for 3 days at once in those weeks. I really need tons of help and support!!
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7 Replies


Follow the program on this site. Also, call the American Cancer Society at 877-YES-QUIT and join their free program. They'll send you a series of three small books to get you on the right path to being smoke free. Get the patch! ACS will send you free patches. They will also give you a free counselor to talk to over the phone.

These programs will work if you work them and follow them to the letter. I smoked for 16 years and tried quitting three or four different times, but I never followed a specific program or followed it exactly as directed.

Well, I have now and I've been quit for 7 days now and I'm doing great! I know 7 days may not seem like a long time, but it is a huge accomplishment.

I know if you can make it 3 days you can make it 7 days! Just one day, or even one hour, at a time.
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Wonderful! Stick to it! And, read every word in those three books they send you. Cut out the cards in the back and fill them out. Post them in every place in your home that you will see them every day. Carry them with you.

Remember, the more tools you have in your toolbox, the more likely you will be successful at completing the job!

Also, this is something my father once told me:

"Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight."

Good words.
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Congratulations on deciding to quit. Their is great support here. We are all here for you!
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You're "stuck" in stinking thinking. You've got to keep telling yourself that you can do this. Even if you don't believe it. Don't give in so easily. Getting through the cravings is the hard part, but you can do this. Procrastinate on lighting up till the craving leaves. Reward yourself for making it through the day like a good soak in the bathtub with your favorite candle. Or whatever you do to pamper yourself. This is a great thing you're doing for yourself, so treat yourself!
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Thanks I will call them. I haven't done that before.
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pece love and alll that hippy shit i wish u the best try to meditate if u can get some lavender and rosemary to burn and inhale to quieten your mind i plan on quitting the 17th with me well blessed be
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this will be hard again i know ive tried 6 xs but am going to succceed this time my quit day is the 17th wish nme well blessed be
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