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Give and get support around quitting


Quitting Companion

Hi! I'm new here. I made my quitting day February 4th, the cosmic New Year. I have smoked for 41 years. Quit 5 times when I was pregnant, so I have quit only when everything else chemically was going on. I am extremely independent, creative and always very busy with big projects, small projects, you-name-it. I am my own energy ball. I can distract myself to every end, have great sources, reserves of pleasure, activities, etc. And yet, there is no space I cannot place smoking in between it all. So being this independent, and having smoking inter-woven into every transitioning space in my head, I feel like I need a sponsor. Fiercely independent me needs a quitting coach (text, email). Or, at least a quitting buddy. 24/7? This is about the only deterent I have not had. Is there anyone willing to do this? What words of wisdom do you have for me right now? Thank you for hearing me. Regards & hear you soon. Dedon

11 Replies

Welcome Dedon!  I am 9 days in my quit and I feel fantastic!

Give yourself a gift and slow down enough to get a copy of and read, Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking. It will open your eyes in a totally new way.  It did it for me and my quit has been relatively easy.

Good luck sweetie and welcome home!




Hi And Welcome...Love that you made a Quit date.  Prepare for that day like no other.  I hope you read and worked the information on My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX  ... it helps to plan for all the breaks where you smoked, now a list of what you can do in its place.  We are here to help you through this journey.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t help 24/7, but here a lot to help you through ~ Colleen aka sweetp