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Give and get support around quitting


Quitting August 1st

hi everyone...The "big day" is approaching. I have started taking Chantix and participating in online support (wow, this is fun). After 43+ years of smoking (maybe quit for short periods) this will be quite a change for me. I'm thinking of telling myself "I don't smoke"--a positive statement instead of "I quit smoking"--somehow it sounds more positive or affirmative...any thoughts?
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12 Replies

Wow congrats on setting your date to become a non smoker. As soon as you stop definitely tell your self your a non smoker. I have heard from many people that helps alot. Many tell me to think positively. thinking positive about your quit helps to keep your spirits up while going through such a trying time. You can do this!!!!! Take care and Good luck.
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I never thought about it like that but it's much more positive. "I quit..." is such a negative sounding statement even though not smoking is such a positive thing. Thanks for suggesting that. It's really going to help me. And good luck, I know you're going to do great. 🐵
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'zackly why I don't use my 'puter at home much... it's been a few years since we've smoked in the house, too.... we stopped that during our last serious attempt (I don't think hubby's going to do more than be supportive this time...his work is more stressful right now). But at least he'll be outside.
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I work from home on my computer so, i'm pretty much here all the time. Good for you to have stopped smoking inside though....don't join him outside!
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Hi Debby...

I've noticed I now say - "I smoked".... while I'm journaling my way through to a real, honest, "this time for sure" quit date. "I don't smoke" is another positive way of separating you from the habit... subtle... but sometimes those are the most powerful things.

Are you still sure about tomorrow?

I ask, because - while I've got some reasons to avoid giving myself an "ultimatum" in the form of a quit date... I have been thinking about tomorrow being a good day to choose. Sure simplifies the answer to "how long since you smoked" question, doesn't it? It would help a lot to start with someone else... at the same time, I think. Mutual support, ya know?

I've also smoked for 40 years; about a pack a day after the first few years. Quit once for 2 years.

In general, I think positive statements and encouragement are so much more helpful, that someone belittling you for even THINKING about smoking during the first few days of a quit. Some people can be quite nasty about it... and that's simply counterproductive to quitters like me - who have a ton of emotional baggage tied to smoking. The only way I know to defend myself... is to smoke first! (DUH...)
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Hey....sounds like a great idea. I picked 8/1 for the very reason you state....easy to remember how long since I last smoked. My birthday is the 18th and I thought about that one, but it's too hard to calculate from lol. I agree about the nasty comments...not at all helpful. If you're blogging or posting about your feelings and thoughts, you shouldn't be put down for's what you're feeling and thinking. So, with that said, I will be positive and supportive and understanding and would love to have you as a 8/1 quit buddy. Let's do it together :).
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Yes, I can commit to the 1st - tomorrow - I've been preparing for YEARS now... time to you-know-what or get off the pot. I can't depend on having as much MORE time to "decide" to get ready - to be ready... than I've already smoked.

I think I have enough of my plan mapped out... know all my triggers...replacements, rewards... substitutions...
yeah... it's all together... waiting on me...

OK, then - I'll check in with you tomorrow shortly after 9 am (EST). I have dial-up at home... and that's a huge trigger for me - waiting for computers to display pages, boot up, etc. At least at work - I have distractions for those same triggers...
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Okay, just so you know...i probably won't be home by 9. But i'll check in as soon as i get here. Know about that computer waiting thing. I don't smoke in the house (thank goodness) and haven't for years but i do run outside when my computer takes too long. See ya tomorrow 🙂 We'll do it!!!
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Hi Debby!

Well - here I go! My plan included allowing myself a "letting go" ritual this morning - and because the morning smokes are where I always failed in the past to get even 1 day under my belt - I decided to pick a time this morning to officially quit - AFTER the feeding of the addiction, one more time; immediately followed with the letting go ritual. Since today is 8-1-08, my hubby suggested 8:01 am. By then, I'm usually fully conscious - and that matters to success, too.

The pack was empty & the lighter & it went into the trash along with our "butt can"; today is trash day. I cleaned the table & ashtray outside where we smoke. I febrezed everything out there. I cleaned the storm door glass - because I've noticed in the past couple weeks that I smell cigarettes when I come into the house. I have another place to be outside with hubby than my normal, routine space - and it's some distance away. I don't need the ashgtray anymore.

I don't have any claim on the cigarettes either; those all belong to him. I will no longer pick up smokes at all. If he wants to buy them - it's up to him to do it. If it seems that having cigarettes in the house bothers me, I'll ask him to take them to his office. But, I already decided that I had to be able to tolerate being around other smokers... cigarettes, etc. I don't think it's going to be an issue.

I'm at work - no smokes, no "fall back"... I'm OK.
But it's early yet.

I really DO feel as though it's already said and done; that even if temptation comes calling - I'll be OK. That's how I feel NOW... and I'm hoping to reinforce and extend it out... minutes, hours and days at a time.

How did you tackle today?
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