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Give and get support around quitting


Quitters in Their 30's

Hello, anyone there? I need some support- I quit smoking tomorrow the 3rd. I choose this day cause I will be very busy back at work hoping it will keep my mind off it. May day usually starts with two before work, and im able to go all day without till the damn drive home! Then its on, evenings are hard- I smoke frequently until i have to go to bed. Weekends and days off are the worst. Im about to be 35yrs old and have smoked for 15 yrs, this HAS to stop!! I want to have a child soon, and i need to be healthy. Any advice on how to make it through the first day?
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112 Replies

good luck everyone on their quit! today is day 8 for me and going very very well. yesterday was the first day i didn't constantly think about having a smoke! things are looking up. good luck guys!!!
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Nice work Rob. I'm in the middle of week 4, almost a whole month! The smell part comes back pretty quick, trust. I had to scrub down my apartment a couple weeks ago and wash everything b/c all I could notice was the cigarette stank everywhere. I needed an excuse for some spring cleaning anyway, ha! Keep up the good work all, it's rough but it's worth it, I already feel 100x better.
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Mornin Quiters...Day 6...count em 6...chewin on nic gum as I'm typin. My thoughts so far. 1. Funny how I hate everything about smokin but smoked for 15 years. 2. I'm gettin a kick out of smelling better...always feel self conscious about stinkin up the place. 3. Can't wait for the short breath to go away...4. If the food really does begin to taste better I'll be as big as a house by July. 5.Hopin the joint pains will subside. 6. I've been keepin not smokin frees up alot of time. 7. Observing the smoking habits of others. 8. Why did telling my smokin partners I was tryin to quit feel Awkward!
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I am a student pursuing a master’s in communication at Northern Kentucky and would like your help by following the link below and answering a few brief questions about this site and your efforts to quit smoking. Your responses will be completely anonymous. Please follow this link if you can help. Thanks!
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New and just wanted to say hello!
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Is there anyone who has quit and coughs more now than you did when you smoked? I only quit three days ago, is this a withdrawal symptom?
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i read on some site on the web (ive forgoten which one because there are so many) that the coughing could happen, i dont remember why, i do wish i remembered the information better, but i did read that i was normal. though if it continues for more than a few days a trip to the Dr. would probly be a good idea, just in case.
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Member this site has some great tools and counters, and im sure one of the links from this page had the information about coughing. i use this site when im feeling blue and need a little pick me up. it tells me how much money ive saved, how many cigs i HAVENT smoked (based on how many i was smoking when i quit) and how many days i have added to my life based on how long ive quit far ive saved 3 weeks, 4 days, and 6hours of my life. That always makes me feel GREAT!!!
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O.k, I did some research. What I've found out is that the coughing is normal. You cough because your body is getting rid of all the nasty mucus in your lungs. Sore throat is also normal, and I have that. I'll give it until Monday to clear up, then I will visit my doctor.
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I am new as well! I hit the one week mark at midnight. 🙂

  I am looking for some people to support me and vice versa. If you're interested please leave me a comment! The more help we have the more likely it is we will succeed!
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