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Give and get support around quitting


Nicotine runs your gut.

Undoing this

Takes about a month

It will adjust

It will adjust

It will adjust

nicotine has a stimulating effect on intestinal transit and helps bowel movements and you have developed an automatism in this situation. Constipation is one of the symptoms that occur during nicotine withdrawal."

Constipation and Quitting Smoking - Is It Normal? 

Stopping smoking can cause constipation. - PubMed - NCBI 

I recommend a well marbled steak and 4 cups of strong coffee.

(and a warning to your family)

12 Replies

OH yeah I so remember the horrible gut feeling and pooping rocks (perfect description elvan‌) haven't heard it descibed that way but so true. Glad that's over!


I knew that constipation was a side effect - wasn't sure about the gas. A SEVERE WARNING should be issued - before quitting, most gas I had was relatively benign; since then, it could level a room!! (myself included).

Glad to hear this normally settles down after about a month - I think it is starting to..



Yippers I also remember actually I forgot until this blog post reminded me!