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Give and get support around quitting


Quit on 2/11/10

Hi Everyone - I've been quit for a while now........still hard though.  I'm on Chantix and it works really well.  Weird dreams, but I don't mind them.  Get nauseaus only when I don't have anything in my stomach and take the pill. 

Smoking is NOT an option anymore - just dealing with not doing it.  I miss it - which really makes me mad!  How can I miss something that is so GROSS and will eventully KILL me????  Anyone else feel that way??? 

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5 Replies

I actually enjoy smoking but know that it is not good for me and that it is not cost effective. I hate having to sneak around to smoke so my daughter wont see me.  I hate feeling like I cannot endure something without making sure I have a cigarette.

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Hey folks! Just curious just exactly what is it that you enjoy about smoking?  Lizzy can you tell me the good things you've seen so far in your life by quitting? I quit 27 days ago and there is absolutely NOTHING I miss about smoking!  Granted, the other times I quit, I very much felt that I was sacrificing something I really enjoyed and remember vaguely saying something to that effect just a couple of weeks ago!  Now there is zero left of that feeling!  I took a hard look at those 2 lists I just mentioned and with the first broke down the illusion - the fantasy if you will - with the reality and Bingo! There was nothing real left over - it was one big nicolie I believed wholeheartedly! It really helped me see my quit not as a deprivation but of a CELEBRATION of ME, MY SELFWORTH, MY HONESTY and my choice every day to N.O.P.E. because I deserve the best life has to offer!  Really think about it - think past the stinkin thinkin i.e. the nicolies and recognize that YOU ARE VALUABLE and deserve better than to slowly kill yourself for the fantasy cig or be miserable in your quit for the sacrifice - You deserve the Happy Quit -  the NEW YOU  FREE of your SMOKE ADDICTION!

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At this point, just my second day, I do not quite have the attitude that you have. There have been times that I tried to quit smoking and I felt like I was depriving myself of the only thing that I get enjoyment out of.  That is a shame is smoking is the only thing that I get enjoyment out of, isn't it?  I am trying to take each moment for just that, a moment and work myself through that moment  so I can have more time to rationalize the benefits of not smoking. It will come with time. Thanks for the advice on making the list..I have to try that one day.

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Well - I can't think of one thing that I miss about smoking....:)  I certainly don't miss the way my house and clothes and car smell, the taste, etc.  And most of the time I don't even thing about it!  Thank you Thomas - you put everything into prospective!  The Happy Quit - I love that!

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Hang on Lizzy, Chantix is a good aid. The support you can get from this site really helps. When you accept that by not smoking you are not depriving yourself of anything good, not smoking will get easier. I wish you well 

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