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Quit in Danger

I fear my quit is in danger. My boyfriend and I broke up. Although I know it's for the best and I've known for awhile we weren't right for each other,  I am still going to miss the relationship. I will miss the companionship and someone to do thing with. I practically lived there.  I only came home to work.  I was a mother to his little boy who I would give my life for. I loved him as my own. Now he has lost 2 mothers in his short little life. I am going to miss him horribly.  I'm going over there to collect my things tomorrow. Smoking has crossed my mind a bazillion times. I've lost 17 pounds in a week because I can't eat.  Please help me.

Broken-hearted #782 DOF

96 Replies

I'm here JonesCarpeDiem No smoking. Heading out to Bachelors Grove in midlothian. Have you heard of it? It's one of the most haunted cemeteries in the US.  I live 2 minutes from there. The forest preserve and paranormal people are giving walking tours. Thank goodness my brother called and I now have plans.

Bachelors Grove Cemetery - Illinois (travel channel) - YouTube 

Look for the Haunted Hellicopter


Oh Lord I have been through break ups that nearly broke me I know so well what you are going through and it is an awful place to be . It is like a death when you love someone even when you know it is for the best . Allow yourself to grieve go through all the emotions smoking will not make it better you will feel worse for giving in to that tricky nicodemon . 

I am thinking of the little boy maybe you could keep a relationship with him for his sake in the future, just give yourself a little time . Children go through so much because of our relationships we sometimes don't think of what they are going through . I am sorry to say my own children were badly affected because of break ups .

Hang in there Kristen I am praying for you .


So sorry this has happened.  I am praying that you do not resort to smoking.  I would be so disappointed.  It would break my heart.  I have already lost one close friend to relapse.  I do not want to lose another.   Please please do what you have to do so not to smoke.  I believe you can.   There is no advice that I can give except, what would you say if I was in the same position.  Never give up.  Do not give in please protect your quit.  Thanks for coming here.  We are here for you.  Love you the most.  Take care of yourself .  Sometimes these situations will cause you to realize that are #1. 

Thank you Jackie

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I don't know that I have any new words of wisdom for you, except to say look at how many people here care about you and are wanting to do everything they can to help you resist any hint of an urge to go back. It is so much easier to just stay quit at this point no matter what life throws your way. I was a bit jealous of you for figuring out how to quit at a younger age than most of us. Before too many years of smoking takes such a physical toll on your body that it might do irreparable damage. Since you have been on this site about the same length of time as me, I know you have seen other Ex'ers die and/or suffer from severe smoking-related illness. So do whatever you have to in order to protect your quit .Come here as often as you can. Talk to friends and family about the sadness you are feeling. Get together with friends to get your mind on something else. Time is a healer. Smoking will not make anything better, but it most definitely can make things (your health) worse. Hang in there! Sending hugs and thoughts of strength your way.


How was the graveyard visit?  I hope it was spookedly wonderful!!!

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It was something to do. We didn't get a guided tour. There were hundreds, if not thousands of people there. I don't think the people running it expected that.

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Pain of loss is very tough. The courage to come here and ask for help says something powerful about keeping your quit. I pray that the worst of your pain will subside soon enough so that you don't feel on edge. Yes you can, one day at a time.

I want to keep my quit. I so do!