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Quit day today!

Today is the day! Anyone else quitting today? I haven't decided if I'm gonna run up and get some lozenges. Thinking cold turkey is best. No more expense. 

48 Replies

 Glad things are going great for you they're going OK for me 37 days I think sleeping is still kind a rough I have some chronic pain trying to get through that has put a  damper on the fun of being a non-smoker    I still like not smoking  keep up the good work I hope you feel better soon


I think I use the same stuff you did or you are I took effort to five days didn't need anymore you've got this that stuff is weird but it works I like the fact it was non-nicotine best of luck remember one day at a time

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I'm simply amazed at how easy this as been for me so far, I'm waiting (and scared) for something to change at any moment!!  I'm a big coffee drinker and was apprehensive about drinking coffee and not being able to smoke, but that too has worked great so far.  I used 6 of the strips on Monday & Tuesday and have only used 3 so far today.  I have dental surgery tomorrow so I'm hoping I won't feel the need to use them.  The only downside has been that I haven't slept well for the last 2 nights, I'm hoping that will change with time!!

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Congratulations to each of you on your splendiforous quits, keep moving forward and stacking up your precious smoke free days.


More like smoke free hours.  going by the minute at this point.  

Edited by Mark‌ to remove email address

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I'm sending good thoughts up for you for your day one and this evening you can say YAY for your Day WON, stick close to this site and read everything you can about quitting smoking and Remaining Quit because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb, one precious smoke free minute at a time l


You all sound great and I LOVE that you are supporting each other. Lulu04  and Fresher1  and bookee6   Hooray for newbies!

Sleep disruptions are common at the beginning of a quit.  I also found that I am MUCH more sensitive to caffeine since I stopped might find that as well and want to cut caffeine starting in the afternoon.  

Good luck with the dental surgery.


Thank you.  It went well, although my oral surgeon decided not to do the gum graph today as he felt he had done enough work for one day!!  At this time, I'm still making it though this process of quitting without any issues. My children are in awe that I seem unphased because I have quit though the years, but it was VERY difficult and never lasted more than a year.  I don't know how to explain this except I was very determined, I have experienced how socially unacceptable it is, it is unhealthy, costly, and the list goes on.


Lulu04‌  So glad things went well at the dentist.  You absolutely would not want to be smoking would make healing much more difficult.  I, too, began to concentrate on the negatives and there were a LOT of them, I couldn't come up with anything they did FOR me but I have lots and lots of evidence of what they did TO me.  Good for can do this, you ARE doing this.


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Sounds like you're doing great. I am too but I really have to practice using all the quitting tools like breathing, eating carrots, I've even been bouncing a "jack" ball to keep my hands busy. Whatever....just don't smoke!
