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Quit Smoking and now I feel Horrible

I have had a total of 3 cigarettes since 07 Sep 10 and I went through the cravings, moodiness, and the occasional headache. Every since Friday, the 24th, I have been feeling like crap. I thought I was having a heart attack on Friday evening. My left arm and shoulder went from pain, then numbness, and finally my left arm felt like it was just hanging there. My chest was very tight and I was having bad indigestion.


On Sunday I started feeling like I was catching a cold. I am congested, have aches and chills running through my body, and the worst headache of my life. Has anyone else been going through this?


I am more interested in hearing about the chest, arm and shoulder pain because I am not sure if that is something more serious or not. I know that the flu like symptoms are common when you quit but I am not sure if the feeling that your having a heart attack is something that other people experience. I would like to hear from anyone who is having similar problems.

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2 Replies

Sorry that it has taken so long for you to get a reponse!  Please go to the blog part & write a blog about howyou are feeling there. First you may want to can your doctor or your local hospital regarding the chest &, arm pain as they are doctors & we are just a group of people trying to quit smoking together. I do know any pain above the belly needs to be addressed by medical people. I also know 1st hand that the first days of not smoking can be VERY HARD for many of us. I would really like you to blog to the elders on the blog part. See you there & welcome. I will talk to you more on another day as I am a bit under the weither myslef today.  WELCOME!!!   Your life WILL BE BETTER WITH OUT SMOKING!!!!!!     Tammy

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the feel not good part is right that is just your nerves and the stress from quitting that makes you feel bad because you are still thinking about those cigs, but for numbness and chest pains you really need to see a dr.

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