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Give and get support around quitting



Hello everyone,

I am on my third week smoke free, at times I think it had gotten easier and then boom, here comes that not nice thought and image of having just one smoke.

Of course I made a promise to myself that I am never smoking again.  So do the cravings and thoughts ever go away.

12 Replies

I would "binge read" the blogs here...........................mighty helpful.

Congrats !!

Miles of Smiles...

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Congratulations on 4 weeks.  I'm  64 days into my quit, so the cravings have lessened at lot.  It's still those psychological associates that are difficult .   Ditto about the simplest things being a trigger.  I'm still having issues with the season change because I associate smoking with all my outdoor activities.  Telling  myself "I don't do that anymore" does help.

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Congratulations on your 64 day quit.  I know when the weather is nice a thought comes up like I am going outside to have a smoke.  But my brain says nope you don't smoke.

I used to be afraid of the inside of a gas station because they sell cigarettes. But I just don't think about it.

All I can say is I take one day and one moment at a time.

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