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Preparing to quit vaping

This picture was my dad two years ago today. He was just a few weeks from passing. 9 months before he thought he had pulled a muscle in his back after moving but he always had pain somewhere in his body. Found out he had stage 4 liver cancer and metastatic lung cancer. He was a smoker. I quit cigs but started vaping after his diagnosis. I am now my journey to quitting vaping. I’v read Allen Carr’s book, I have health issues I know will clear if I stop. I’ve journaled, listened to experts, listed things I can do instead. I get freaked out when it’s my quit date. It’s been my friend during hard times. I’ve tried to quit a few times and I feel so foggy headed and emotional. Monday  7/22 is my quit date again, preparing myself for this. 

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      Welcome to Ex. You don't have to know how to quit in order to quit. Taking it one day at a time, accepting support and sticking to your to-dos will help you get past the weird feelings that come at first. They pass. Just know that you are as capable of quitting as every successful quitter was. Unfriending your nicotine addiction takes time and patience with yourself. Ex will be here for you 365--stay invested.


Thanks for sharing and MY deepest sympathy to YOU and please remember YOUR experience will strengthen YOU and keep in YOUR heart with YOUR wisdom in knowing NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER - please take what HELPS - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you   - WAY TO GO in to thine OWN self be true - YOUR self love and FACT truths that USING YOUR DRUG NICOTINE to COPE with YOUR insides is NOT YOUR solution to living YOUR OWN NON SMOKER LIFE STYLE - just for YOU on July 22 - 2019 - gentle hug❤

Hi there. I lost my own father to COPD. Unfortunately, even that didn't stop my own addiction. I quit smoking by vaping. First, I treated vaping as if it were a cigarette. I made myself go outside and vape. I allowed myself to only vape for as long and as often as what I would normally smoke. Then back to whatever I was doing before my smoking break. Next, I titrated the nicotine level down over a period of 2 weeks until I felt that I was at a level that vaping didn't ease - as in I just wanted to constantly vape.  Then I filled it up with no nicotine. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I stopped the vaping with no nicotine after about 2 weeks. It was still horrible. Frankly, it was a fight all day every day for about 3 months-no 3 minute cravings for me! Yes it got slowly better, but even that far out, I would have intense horrible cravings - 10 or 20 a day. I was grateful for that, as at least it wasn't constant like before. 

I will tell you this. I did not quit smoking 6 years ago. I conquered smoking 6 years ago. 

While I used all the normal tricks to alleviate my misery, what I mostly used was anger. While my addicted brain was screaming for nicotine, I cursed the cigarette manufacturers. I started smoking when I was 11 years old, and they wanted that to happen in order to make me a life-long smoker. Next, they increased the addictive components to cigarettes. They did that on purpose too, just in case anybody managed to quit. I cursed our government too. How could they possibly allow the manufacture of cigarettes to even continue? Can you even imagine allowing the production of a product that addicts its users and slowly kills them? It is insane! So I used that anger. Every day and every night, I used that anger. I was angry that they were so greedy for the almighty dollar that they allowed this in our society. 

Many people have found success in many ways to fight this horrible addiction. Find what works for you and cling to it. Good Luck. Dixie


Wow! Thanks for that insight. It’s so hard because I vape a lot throughout the day, even in places I’m not supposed to like work, I blow the vape smoke into a paper towel. No one knows the difference. I first quit back in Jan after several expensive trips to the vape shop for batteries and coils and eBay- got some knock offs and it scared me that they might explode. I got so frustrated. Then I did and still doing the gas station brands like Anjou and Juul. They don’t make these in no nic. Today I have sinus issues so I didn’t vape too much so hopefully that’ll help for tomorrow’s big quit. 


I know it's just more money down the drain, but perhaps an e-cig would allow you to wean down the amount of nicotine to a level that will reduce the physical withdrawal symptoms?  Going right away is akin to Cold Turkey - which is fine as long as you understand the first days you will be having psychological and physical symptoms of withdrawal.


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