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Give and get support around quitting


Positive Affirmations and Support

Don't feel bad Ali. I guess I could be guilty of the same thing. My morning was he** and I was talking to a friend who was smoking and although I didn't ask for a drag I really wanted too. Did inhale some of the smoke off it though. Didn't help the stress level. Got a lozenge in my mouth right now. They work pretty good at taking the edge off.
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2,921 Replies

Crazy Hair (I like that!!) - I hear the desperation in your post. There is no magical cure, no secret remedy. Be prepared for a week of 7734 - but if you really NEED to quit, go buy you a stash of suck candy (hard candy) and gum and something to drink that you REALLY LIKE. And just pick the day and say...NO MORE!! You can try and wean yourself down - I hear that works for many. BUT...take all the smokes within your reach and crush them! Destroy them over the toilet and tell yourself that YOU DESERVE BETTER!! YOUR FAMILY DESERVES BETTER!! You are WORTH IT!!

  It sucks, and my friends here can attest - there are some really bad days!! BUT...there is light at the end of the tunnel and I know it's not a freight train. You can usually find someone online here - if you are tempted or are pulling your hair out...find someone to chat with. I dont know WHY it helps, but it does! YOU ARE WORTH IT...SO JUST DO IT!! Make the commitment to yourself and DO IT!!
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I cant help but worry about you...I'm not there to take care of your goofy butt!!
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OH WOW...Like you needed him pulling that crap on you now...I'm sorry!

  But the distraction is good for you...LOL

  How is everyone this morning...feels like a friggin MONDAY!!! Ugh!
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Hey Laura - going out again tonight??
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Oh my - I get some work done and leave you unattended and look at this conversation....

  Speaking of eyebrows, I need to do mine tonight. Hey Pam - you available to take a call for a good laugh?? LOL

  Spread Eagle - On all fours - Man, Laura needs to "work out some pent up frustrations" soon...(what would your students say...hehehehe)
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How about Viagra, Enzyte and Ky hers and mine???
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So I had a flat tire on the interstate. I eased my car over to the shoulder of the road, carefully got out of the car and opened the trunk.

  I took out 2 cardboard men, unfolded them and stood them at the rear of my car facing oncoming traffic.

  They look so lifelike you wouldn't believe! They are in trench coats, exposing their nude
  bodies and private parts to the approaching drivers.

  I started to change my tire, and to my surprise, cars started slowing down looking at my
  lifelike men.

  And of course, traffic started backing up.

  Everybody was tooting their horns and waving like crazy.

  It wasn't long before a state trooper pulled up behind me.

  He got out of his car and started walking towards me.

  I could tell he was not a happy camper! "What's going on here?"
  "My car has a flat tire," I said calmly.

  "Well, what are those obscene cardboard men doing here by the road?"
  I couldn't believe that he didn't know.

  So I told him, "Hello-o-o-o-o-o, those are my emergency flashers!"
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...and with all the LOVE in Laura's heart Im sure...
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Hi Everyone, Laura did you figure out how to post the picture?
  Pam I'm sure the spot will be gone. I have talked to people whop have suspicious spot on X Ray and it was nothing. Everyoen is sick. I heard coughs are lasting 2 wks to a month. The wheezing may be asthma
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