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Introduce yourself and let us know why you want to quit smoking. Share your story.
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14 Replies
hello I do want to quit, it's just that i really enjoy it, i love my first cig of the day and the rest that follow, i do hate the smell and lately i've been washing my hands and mouth hoping to hide the smell from others. I have two beautiful boys and i dont want them around the smoke much longer. i've been smoking for 13 years and i'm scared. I just would love to stop I plan on using the gum to help with cravings, but then i dont know if its better to go cold turkey?? say a prayer for us all angela
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angela, i know exactly how you feel. I LOVE smoking, but I knew for my sake and my family that i had to stop. I knew that since i enjoy it so much, there would NEVER be a time that i would say, "Oh yeah, I am ready to quit." so I just started prepping myself for about 3 weeks. I got chantix and it works awesome, but if you aren't into that I would highly recommend using commit lozenges. cold turkey is just making you uncomfortable when you dont have to be. I would also recommend the exercises in seperating yourself from triggers. THis worked pretty good for me. I am only on day one, but still, i am just darned proud of getting past my beloved morning/coffee smoke!!

great luck to you... drop me a line if needed
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My name is Gloria and I've been smoking since I was 15. I will be 56 in August! I am just getting over a particularly rough bout with allergies and I keep thinking of how i was coughing, sneezing and trying to smoke at the same time. Totally disgusting! I'm just tired of it.
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Hello, I am Delphyne. On April 5th at 7:00 a.m. I smoked one cigarette on my way to work. My usual smoking routine is 4  cigarettes in the 43 mile drive to my job. I have not smoked another cigarette since the one and I am trying very hard to stay free from cigarettes. It scares me to think of what the long term effects will be if I continue to smoke. 

I stopped because I found it hard to take walks or move and not cough. It reminds me of my father who smoked. He died from renal failure but he coughed a lot too.He was so unhealthy. I have also been getting what I consider to be taps on the shoulder from god. I seem to see more people with oxygen tanks. I do not want that for myself.

I remeber when I was in 8th grade there was a no smoking campaign asembly in school. The guest speaker was a man who had his voice box removed because he smoked. I remember it had an impact on me but as years passed I forgot about him and the contraption he needed to put on his throat to talk.

Recently I went to get my license tag renewed and behind me in line was a man like the guest speaker from 8th grade. I couldn't turn around and made up my mind to stop smoking right then and there! 

April 5th, the day I smoked one cigarette and none since then. Today is April 8th. Coughing has decreased significantly, I breathe better and praying very hard to not start again. So, keep me in your prayers. I also have a Chantix prescription as back up. God bless you all.

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