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Give and get support around quitting


Please don’t

God help me today.  Don’t smoke!!!!!!!

20 Replies

I slipped. I feel ashamed to tell you all. I will not give up. I must get through these first few days. Not one puff ever. Back to day 1 again. It will be second by second. I don’t even know why I bummed one. It’s crazy the grip this nicotine has on us. I must not smoke. I don’t do that anymore !!!!!  


I am sorry that you relapsed but very glad that you are back to Day ONE which can be WON, this is a horrid addiction and getting through those rough patches is extremely difficult BUT definitely DOABLE,  I remember taking it one second at a time and yelling at myself saying that I don't smoke and shaking my head, do whatever it takes because you can and will be successful and we're all here for you. Tinalbowser


I am so sorry, this is an addiction and it does not let go easily...we will be on our journey to freedom for the rest of our lives or else we will go back to smoking.  Once we give ourselves permission to light up, we are back at step one, day one.  I KNOW you can do this and I KNOW you have lots of reasons to want to succeed.  Write those reasons on an index card so you can refer to it...write triggers down and be prepared for them.  Please tell the person you bummed from to tell you matter what and tell him or her that you have to protect your quit no matter what.  Perhaps you should just stay away from that person for now.  I had to do that with a friend of mine and I told her that my quit had to come first...she got over it, we are still friends.  Addiction is powerful and without recovery, it never has a good outcome.

Not One Puff Ever...NOPE...NOPE...NOPE  Remember what OldBones-Larry‌ says, "One step, and then another, will get you to where you want to be."

I am really proud of you for coming forward and for recognizing that you have to take this very seriously because it IS very serious.




It wasn’t not anyone I knew. I just walked by someone and said hey can I get one of those. My people are very supportive. And all of you are to. Back at saying no again. I’m home and safe. No cigs here. 


I had to laugh that you bummed a cigarette from a stranger, I never did that but I did GIVE cigarettes to strangers who asked me for one.  It isn't easy, you know that.  You can do this, Tina.  I am glad you made it home safely to where there are no cigarettes or strangers to bum from.  STAY safe, stick with your quit.  Remember that it gets better the more time you put between you and that last puff.  Not One Puff Ever.  No one want to relive day one.  We are here, Tina...keep walking past smokers and feel compassion for them in their addiction, you are in recovery.






Yes you can one day at a time. Keep working your goal to quit.

0 Kudos

Dust yourself off and get back to it. Glad you decided to get back to your quit instead of waiting, that's smart. 

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Bumming one from a stranger just illustrates how truly addictive they are.  Would you ask a stranger for $1.00?  Would you ask a stranger for a bite of their sandwich or cake?  Of COURSE not!  But a cigarette?  Well, sure!

Just don't do it again!


YoungAtHeart‌ ...would you GIVE a stranger a dollar (yeah, if I could), would you GIVE a stranger a bite of your sandwich or cake?  LOL, HONESTLY, I am rolling on the floor!