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Physical symptoms of quitting

I recently quit about 3 days ago, and I’ve been feeling a lot of chest tightness. Is that normal? I feel like I can’t get a full breath in when I inhale and it almost feels like I can’t get it all out when I exhale. My anxiety is very high and especially at night I’m really hyper aware of my breathing and I feel like I think about it and worry about it so much that it makes it worse. I almost start to panic when I think too much about the weight on my chest. I just want to know if this is normal or if I’m the only one experiencing this? It’s really tough lol

20 Replies

Good for you!  Now you have the peace of mind to continue on your quit journey.  It takes bravery to quit and to get checked out!  Well done.


Poison free since June 8, 2020


Saaaaaame. I had a lot of chest tightness at first. And of course my first thought was, "Oh God, I've caught the 'Rona." Which just drove me further into my panic. It still happens now at day 12. But now its over in 15 or so minutes. The first week was far more frequent, far more long lasting.

To help with the feeling, I have been using aromatherapy. Lavender to relax my mood, eucalyptus to help open airways. A little Vaporub under the nose has been super duper helpful too, reassures me that I am, in fact, breathing even though it feels like I am not. Days 4 and 5 were real bad in the evenings, I took Zzquil. It's basically Benadryll. Non-habit forming, helped me go to sleep those nights. And drink lots of water. I did find that the more hydrated I am, the less intense that feeling is. Especially drinking cold water when the feeling hits. 

That said, if you really cannot breathe, or it is something you are concerned about, or if you have a fever, chills, cough, loss of smell/taste, please please call your doctor to rule out anything more serious.


Walker07 Hello and Welcome to Ex’s...

Often we must learn how to breath right way when we quit smoking...instead of the inhaling way we do as smokers...however, that being said, we are not Doctors here and any doubts and concerns that are physical, Consult with your Doctor...Here is a breathing exercise that will really help you out...~ Colleen 597 DOF

pastedImage_5.gif Please keep us posted on how you are doing...!


Thanks so much to everybody for the kind words and advice I appreciate it so much




Yes, I did experience that tightness in the chest. Glad you got checked out!


So happy you got yourself checked out Walker07 ... use the breathing exercises I gave you above...oh and the sore throat I got that when I quit smoking, the throat is waking up...hang in there...Gotcha in my thoughts Colleen 598 DOF 


SO glad you went to see a doctor.  Good for you!  That and the Welbutrin should reduce your anxiety.  Be sure to drink water and get lots and lots of exercise, change up your routines, and stay busy these first couple of weeks.


Congratulations Walker07, I am smoke free for just over a month it... it’s going to get better!

I am glad you went to your doctor.

Keep going we are all looking out for you!


Welcome to EX, you have gotten GREAT advice already, not sure l can add anything! Glad you saw the doc & got some reassurance. Stay close to the site & know that you are NOT alone.

Congratulations on your quit.
