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Patch and Gum together?

I’ve been on the patch for 17 days now and wondering if I can use nicotine gum as well for the difficult times. 

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23 Replies

Listen to what JonesCarpeDiem‌had to say - and figure out how much nicotine you are already getting from the patch compared to how much you used to smoke.  Then add what you would be getting from the gum.  Don't OD on nicotine (get more than you got from smoking).   You don't mention if you are using ALL your tools when the going gets tough.  Deep breathing? Taking a walk?  Inhaling through a cut - up straw?  Playing a computer game?  Doing a crossword?  Calling a friend?  Coming here and reading? 

This quit thing takes EFFORT on your part.  You need to work at it.  Nothing is going to make it easy at first...but it WILL get easier as time passes.  You just have to give it the time and effort it takes in the beginning.



Ralph, you can do an internet search  yourself and learn exactly what I would tell you as far as what the drug manufacturers recommend or don't recommend as far as combining NRTs.  There's information on this site about that very topic.  What I have to tell you has nothing to do with that and all to do with what YOU think you need to get through the "difficult times."  

Understand that there is no drug that will take away the "difficult times."  Wish there were, but there just isn't.  We would like to fade into mind oblivion when craving come upon us.  Doesn't happen.  (Except in the beginning for some of us who have the luxury of sleeping it away.)  The nicotine replacement "therapies" only lessen the desire.  They don't get rid of it.  They tamp it down is all.   The only thing that comes close to getting rid of it is time.  For TIME is the real only cure.  You have to remain smoke free long enough, you have to stay on the path straight as an arrow, you have to agree to no excuses, you have to give up the possibility of smoking in your life to overcome it.  This is the truth.  There is nothing out there (at least as of yet), that will hand your quit to you.  I so wish there was.  

Ralph, do you want to quit or do you wish you could smoke?  You can't do both.  You have to choose one.  And when you choose it, it has to be with all of you.


Thanks for the great reply. I definitely don’t want to smoke and Will stay on the right path    

I got wint-o-green lifesavers and cut plastic straws in 3rds to chew on like toothpick

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I used the patch for 6 weeks.  When I joined up at 1-800quitnow,(only joined to get free patches), it was recommended that I use nicotine gum in addition to the patch.  I decided to not do that but did make a deal with myself to add the gum only as a last resort - for instance I promised myself that if I got in  my car to go buy smokes that I would first buy the gum and try that.  My personal opinion - no need to introduce more nicotine into your system at this point - you are doing this Ralph!  33


I did, but I tried to only use a couple pieces of gum a day at most. 


In my relatively short time on this site (7 months) I've already seen patch users relapse and then use the patch again.  Full disclosure:  years ago I tried it, too.  I'm sorry to say I can share absolutely no confidence in any form of NRT, especially if you don't address the nicotine addiction head on.


I did not use any NRT but I don't have anything against them unless you use them and use them and use them.  I think you have to face the nicotine addiction and eventually get clean, I would not add MORE nicotine but that's just my opinion.  You are going forward, do you want to step back?



I don't think you need my response, Ralph, as you have a wealth of information from the wise ones above!  But I will say that you are doing so very well.  It takes time for things to even out.  Give yourself that time without putting anything else in your body and brain that you don't need.  When you are struggling remind yourself that you already passed day 1 and never want to have to go through that again.  Each day you are smoke free is a day you don't ever have to repeat!  Be proud of yourself and know you are up for the battle!!  You win every time you don't smoke when the thoughts are there.  I'm really happy for you!!  Just give yourself time, ok?


I just had this conversation with my physician 2 weeks ago.  She was adament about using one or the other.  It is easy to OD on the nicotine especially using patches.