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Panic is the hardest

Hello my name is Samantha. This coming September makes 11 years of smoking. I know my stressors, have for years. It's the panic. Today is my quit smoking day. I have been awake for 2 and a half hours now. I should have had 3 cigarettes by now. My heart is racing and the thought of buying another pack is very tempting. I know the disease is saying "just try quitting another time". Keeping busy and chewing gum isn't helping. Any other suggestions?
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2 Replies

There are all kinds of things you could do instead of smoking..........

read a book
work out
wash your hair
put on make up
try on all of your clothes
mop the floors
dust the furniture
wash the dishes
give the dog a bath
brush a cat
count your tooth picks
do the laundry
go through those papers that have been sitting there for weeks, that you keep saying you'll do later
have sex with your honey
go for a walk
go for a jog
drink a big glass of ice water
chew on cinnamon sticks
take in slow deap breaths
make a list of all the reasons you hate smoking
clean the tile floors with a tooth brush
and on and on and on...........there is always SOME THING ELSE TO DO!!!
Those thoughts will be with you for a while, and unless you get it into your head and your heart that smoking is not one of
your options, you will struggle.
I understand your frustrations with the panic about quitting. I had it too, and made up every single excuse to keep smoking. Eventually you just get tired of feeling weak, and you start kicking your own butt!!
Believe in yourself Samantha!! One day at a time is all you need to think about.
You can do this!!
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Welcome Samantha, I know the first few hours and days are the hardest. i just made 12 days and it is now an awesome thing. I love the list that Danielle has given you. You wouldn't believe everything I have gotten done in the last 12 days, except of course when i sit down and get wrapped up in here. This is the right place to be. I truly believe I would not be at day 12 if it weren't for all of the support the people on the site have given me. Good luck with your quit, and just remember YES YOU CAN!!!!
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