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Outside my door

Outside my door I heard a man coughing , nasty cold he had I thought , but It wasnt a cold it was smoking .

I'd forgotten about that nasty cough , because I don't have it anymore . 

Outside my door I heard that man out on his deck often  ... I noticed he is new to the neighbourhood ...  he was needing to feed his addiction .

I'd forgotten that constant need to go in and out .. I don't need to anymore . 

Outside my door I can smell the smoke although its a distance away. Gosh it smells !

Glad I don't smell like that anymore . 

Outside my door I've seen some butts perhaps they've blown in the wind . I worry about fire .  I'm glad my littering won't cause a fire , cause I don't smoke anymore . 

I wonder does that man have kids ? I bet he's a loving father that got caught up in addiction , I hope he faces denial soon and like us won't smoke anymore . 

9 Replies

I too, and glad I am not doing any of that anymore...Happy Thursday Maki 


And remember that cough after every good laugh?

SO glad I don't have THAT anymore, either!!!


I still have that cough after a huge belly laugh that'll take my breath away but that's the only time. YoungAtHeart


Nice read!  Thank you!


Great poem...we have a new neighbor who is really young and he smokes outside on his front porch, the smoke comes across the lot and right onto MY porch and I will forever regret doing that to others.  I am SO GLAD that I am free.



I’ll have 19 years free tomorrow and I still notice everyone I see smoking. And it’s not with admiring glances either. I notice them hanging out on the sides or backs of stores. Even at 70 mph (140 mph closing speed) and going the other way on our two-lane highway I see them puffing away. When they are in front of me at the light I can often see and smell them. Even smokers know they are poison nowadays, and they hang them out the open window as far away from themselves as they can. As if they are radioactive. Maybe they are. They gave me severe emphysema and made me poor back then. I wasted a lot of time and energy just to kill myself.

The view from 19 years is that I can’t believe I ever did that. Not only do I NOT miss them. I despise them. I no longer even recognize the man that used to smoke and drink so much. Finally, he has grown up, and become the man he always wanted to be when he smoked and drank. 

Your friend in Montana




I remember that cough only too well especially first thing in morning sitting outside in all kinds of weather coughing and choking and nearly horking up a lung or possibly even both at times trying to suck on a damned Cancer Stick WHEW BUT thankfully NOT anymore because I don't do that anymore! I want everyone in my life like my daughter and her man and my sons fiance to quit smoking and be Free from this horrid addiction my son quit 6 yrs in January   I want everyone here at Ex to live a life of Freedom because it's DOABLE oops sorry I'm rambling thanks for this great post.....


Oh my gosh! Yep, that smell from the distance (like, very far away) is a new thing I can notice now that I have been quit for a bit. I sit next to people that come in to work after having smoked. I have also noticed on some of these really cold mornings, when I smoked that I would have that cough or my lungs felt tight as I trudged across the large parking lot into work. Over the past few days, I have noticed a clear and improved difference in my ability to breathe during those times.

Your post really hits home...and glad we don't need to smoke anymore! 


15 DOF


I can smell it coming through my basement, when my neighbour and her daughter smoke.  (I am in a townhouse)

It smells disgusting and I can't believe that Brian and I smoked all those years in the house, and exposed my girls to that!!  It's quite the stink!!  Now I can smell anyone smoking outside anywhere I go.  Sometimes tho, it does still smell good to me.  I remember sitting out on the deck and almost horking up a lung like Marilyn said.