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Give and get support around quitting


Ooh, so angry!!

Okay, so I've been a good boy now for over a month. I quit for 6 months last year, but relapsed during a business trip in January. And this time I'm doing it without the Chantix (first time with it last year was fine, but this year I got the anxiety attacks and vivid nightmares after a week). So now I've got the gum for the biochemical, and nothing for the behavioral.

And I get so angry!!!!! Arggh!!! I have so much stress in job and life, as does most everyone, and I do occasionally (read: often) let it get to me. But ever since I quit, I've been a royal pain in the ass 24/7.

I get way way way easily frustrated, easily nasty, easily snippy, easily resentful, and too often find myself chanting "kill em all" under my breath (jokingly, of course, I wouldn't hurt a fly... unless it offered me a smoke).

I'm angry at everything and everyone. Most of the people in my life understand and are supportive, and thank heavens for my patient and understanding girlfriend who shrugs it all off. But it's not good for my job, for my life, etc. I'm a non-violent person, but sometimes I just want to punch.

My shrink has given me 1,153 ways to handle stress and anger, but it doesn't help much when my body is constantly angry and annoyed. I'm not much for meditation or walking or exercise. And to be perfectly honest, taking a few long deep breaths does absolutely nothing.

Anyone else dealing with a massively short temper? Anyone have any non-holistic-hippie ways of dealing with it? How long will this last? How do I stop before I alienate all the supportive people in my life?
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21 Replies

I'm only on day two, so I'm still in the "hate everyone and everything" phase. I tried quiting last year and was pretty successful with it (lasted all of 3 months) until I had a really stressful day a work. It all went downhill after that. I do remember trying to substitute little things in for my cigs when I got stressed. I used to reapply my make-up everytime I got a craving. Looking back on it, I bet I looked like a hooker by the end of the day 🙂 I'm sorry I can't give you more support, but I wanted to let you know that you're not suffering alone.
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Mel said, "I used to reapply my make-up everytime I got a craving. Looking back on it, I bet I looked like a hooker by the end of the day :)"

LOL!!! That's so funny!
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