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Give and get support around quitting


(: One of Marks Summertime Projects :)

I just finished baking bread and finally getting a dozen loaves cooled and put in the freezer our granddaughter Emma was here for a few minutes with her Dad they brought Mason over to spend the night we gave them both some cash for passing she passed out of grade 11 with an 84 average and is on the honor roll again this year Mason passed out of grade 4 I drove over to our grandson Adam's place and took him his money for passing out of grade 9  here's a pic of Mark roofing in the patio area he's going to screen it in too we'll put the barbecue outside hopefully it'll be this year but if not next year he'll put a roof over the barbecue so if it rains it won't matter  I think it's time to weedwack again   and to mow .......



21 Replies

Looks good ❤ looks real good patio area building and congrats to kids passing grades and moving on and up - yahoooooooo- excellent job baking all that fresh bread - enjoy - gentle hug. 

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Wow, what a beautiful job that patio is!  Kudos.  And how much enjoyment you all will get out of it!  I don't go outside without spraying on bug juice all over my clothes.  Stinks, but they DO stay away.  The mosquito bites don't bother me that much, don't last too long, but chigger bites OMG, last as long a poison ivy (two weeks).  So I wear long pants, long sleeves all summer in the 95 degree humid heat here when I'm out gardening.  Not fun, but we does what we must.  You ever tried a bug zapper?  The kind you plug in?  

You bake a dozen loaves of bread.  My my my.  That takes so much time.  Your family is very lucky!


No I've never tried a bug zapper hummm but I bet it would work great most of the bites I get is from mowing the lawn, I do have bug spray on but they seem to know where I've missed spots   I bake bread and rolls every nine or ten days we don't buy store bought bread at all , I would eat it but it but Mark or Mason wouldn't and I doubt the other grandchildren would either  hugs .

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Them bugs are attracted not only to our body heat but our exhalations.  (They zoom in on carbon dioxide.)  I'm a mouth breather so they really know where to find me! lol  As far as the bread baking - all I can say is your family is really lucky to HAVE you in their world!


That's going to be a great place for your family to make many happy memories!


Very nice Marilyn...


WOW, what a great guy who is very lucky to be married to such a great lady!  You two are AMAZING.  I have been getting bitten this year more than any other, drives me completely crazy.  I was at work Friday and something bit me on the neck, I almost scratch the skin off and it is seriously unattractive to have a purple mark on my neck.  My poor cats are plagued by fleas again and I am treating them and combing them and vacuuming and washing everything.  LAST year, the vet said it was because it was so dry, wonder what the excuse is THIS year because it sure isn't dry.

Enjoy that screened in porch, looks amazing.



Thanks Ellen the mosquitoes and black flies are more horrid than usual this year or at least it seems that way  your poor kitties and poor you, huge caring hug coming your way sweetie .elvan

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Fleas are the WORST! We had them once and ended up bombing the whole house! This was pre-dog and our cats never went outside so I was confused. The vet told me they can jump through the screens-- or if just one gets in on your clothes and your animal isn't treated, that's all it takes. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that right now!


TriGirl‌ Our cats do not go outside EXCEPT for a feral cat who lives out there until it is winter or inclement weather.  I have been combing them, have given the indoor cats a pill that is supposed to kill all adult fleas starting in half an hour, then I put Revolution on them.  That was Saturday and I combed them again today, there were a LOT fewer.  We cannot bomb this place, I have COPD and there is no way I can be exposed to those chemicals.  I think they live in the dirt, this yard was excavated in 2015 when the house was built, we lived in the previous house for almost 20 years and always had cats...including the feral guy and we never had fleas.  I have no idea what it would cost to get the yard treated but I expect it would be a LOT and that it would kill everything.  It really does make me crazy.


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