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Give and get support around quitting


Oh Well, "I don't do that anymore"!

The stockings are emptied and most of the gifts are unwrapped.  There is a little leftover turkey but the dressing is all gone.  Driving home from my family Christmas dinner , a brief thought of smoking surfaced from my addictive brain.

I could not even laugh about it.  A little disbelief since I have come so far but I also realize that this time of the year those thoughts come.  I take it seriously and quickly go into protect my quit mode.  NO!  I tell myself "I don't do that anymore".   I was sure the thought would be brief and pass.  Just a thought of smoking associated with the "festivities", no need to act upon it because "I don't do that anymore."  No Need to stop and pick up a pack.  I am free.  I splurged  on cookies, chocolate, cake and ice cream along with an alcoholic drink on Christmas Eve, so I  am open to a certain amount of vulnerability if I am not on guard   A cigarette could have been the last hurrah. (past tense) because....I don't do that anymore.  I was able to brush off the phantom smoke and not focus on finding where it is coming from.  Moving forward because I know it will pass.  I will not be fooled. In serious protect mode  I told myself, suck it in and out take a few deep breathes. Go home. No reason to stop and get smokes, I couldn't envision being able to stop. A cup of hot chocolate will suffice because "I don't do that anymore".  Keeping it real, I am free 1065 DOF.  Merry Christmas Everyone.  I hope you all enjoyed your day smoke free.  I am a nonsmoker. 

Image result for i don't do this anymore

Because, I don't do that anymore

27 Respuestas

Oh dear friend , all our company just left. I am exhausted. It was a beautiful fun filled day,....but wow the work involved. My back and my feet are done...simply done.LOL

Im glad your thought was a whisper that you turned away from cause WE don't do that anymore. I watched as my brother and his girlfriend slipped outside to the garage to smoke. with garage door open, because I insisted...I don't want that stinky smell around. They were never out there long. its like 19 degrees out, or something like that. I remember doing it. How stupid we looked. Glad to have smartened up!

Get some rest, I know I am  xoxoMissy


Merry Christmas, Jackie.  I am so exhausted, I am in my pajamas, about to wash my face and clear the stuff off the bed and surrender to sweet sleep,

WE don't do that any more, my friend.




Thanks for the honesty . Today is day one and you are right “I don’t smoke anymore “


Welcome to EX.  

You have come to the right place for a new day and a rebirth.

Start first, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction because education is the key to a successful quit.  

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101 

Here are the links:   and

I also encourage you to read. Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

 Go to and get started.  The best is yet to come.

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Thanks Jackie...

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Hey CeCe, you re doing good.  Don't give up!

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Thanks for the text messages today, i was happy as heck yesterday day 1 and miserable today...

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you can do it......I know you can.  Did you tell them I referred you?

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Haven't ran across the page to add a name just asked referred by "Friend".  YOU are a lifesaver referring me this site