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October Quitters

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am feeling MUCH better about my quit. I was beginning to think the Chantix was causing major depression but it was really just the nicotine withdraws. I didn't expect it to last 20 days because I don't remember it lasting that long the last time I quit. I'm sure everyone is different but man oh man am I glad to be through that!
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422 Replies

how many of you are still quit or still got there quit day firm?

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i am still quit on day 12, 

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here it is my day 2 of quitting, so far I'm still not smoking but the urges are worse today than yesterday. I keep reminding my self why I'm doing this, every time i hear that voice in my head "just one more,". I think of my wife,& my grandchildren. 

 wish me strength to keep going, and I will do the same for everyone who is trying to quit. 

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Whoo hooo fellow October quitters!!!! Actually - we're joiners not quitters! We're joining the sanity and clarity of life - getting out of the fog and smog 🙂 I am on day 3 and like everyone else, I am distracted by the nicotine bug in me wanting to be fed. But really - it's the same feeling I had all the time when I smoked (except for that 10 minutes when I had one hanging out of my mouth - how disgusting!).


We can do this!!!

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Just chiming in as an 8 year quitter here - you will probably gain more knowledge from listening to those within the blogs (blue tab above) than in the liimited responses within this group.   It's great to have fellow quitters in the same new stage as you, but advice from experienced quitters can also be of benefit. 

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Today , i decided to stop smoking again , it's very hard for me , so i am trying the nicorette gum , i hope this works, i have stopped about 3 times  this year, the chantrix help me real good , but it gave me bad Headaches so i hade to stop taking them  . wish me luck for the 4 time , i will do my best , to stop .

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Hi Everyone, this is my second quit date.  10/20. I was on this sight and it totally helped me to stay stopped.  I checked in every day three times a day.  Then one day I just picked up my husband's pack and smoked one. What a huge mistake!!! I could feel the badness right away.  Coughing, pain aches, numbness in my feet.  Why do I do this to my self?  Anyhow, back on the patch tomorrow and back on this site.  Thanks in advance for all your support.  God Bless.

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My quit date is 10/9/2014.  And I have kept it. That is after many, many attempts in the last five years and I have never made it this far.  The nicotine nasal spray (prescription) and patches are working.  Slow acting and fast for cravings.  So far so good.  

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Hey all,

20/10 is my quit date. Almost at 4 days, I hope everyone is hanging in there.

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I am on day 5 and I feel great.  I have a cold but I am not smoking and it is helping me to get better faster.  I have only had a few cravings.  Worked through them.  Going to go out for a nice walk today!  I have gained a bunch of weight on my first quit 26 days.  So this time around I am really keeping an eye on the snacking.

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