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Give and get support around quitting


October Quitters

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am feeling MUCH better about my quit. I was beginning to think the Chantix was causing major depression but it was really just the nicotine withdraws. I didn't expect it to last 20 days because I don't remember it lasting that long the last time I quit. I'm sure everyone is different but man oh man am I glad to be through that!
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I'm on day 6, started my quite on 10/13/12  if only I had quite on 10/11/12  I wouldn't be able to forget that 🙂


Five days, 15 hours, 36 minutes and 34 seconds. 129 cigarettes not smoked, saving $37.36. Life saved: 10 hours, 45 minutes.

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My quit date is today, Oct. 19th, 2013... I have tried several attempts before with assistances and support... but no luck there! I would always ended up smoking again... I also found out last round of quiting that I am HIGHLY allergic to Nicotine! Go figure! especially after 18 years of a pack a day smoking! So this time I am going to quit COLD TURKEY! Doctor said that I will have a better chance at this because of health and allergic reasons... so hopefully i am able to make a serious a-go at this and NEVER put another single cigarette to my lips! Good Luck everyone!

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Coming into my NML 30days quit. I am feeling a little fearful. My temper has been getting worse and I am feeling more and more like hiding. So trying to keep myself in a social environment.

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6 D's (when you get a craving, urge, thought)


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I, too have set Oct 15 as my quit date.  I don't dare tell any of my friends or my husband about my plan to quit because they have lost faith in me.  I have said so many times that I am quiting and failed that no one believes I can do it.  Need a support group that understands.

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I haven't told anyone that I plan to quit in October either. Same reason as sherrylynn, no one thinks that I can do it.

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yea I can  understand. do you guys think you can do it? Or is it in the back of your mind that you cant? I think I have it in the back of my mind that I can't do it and i know i need to get rid of that to actually quit

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I decided a month ago I was going to quit today. Last night I smoked my last cigarette at 11:58 pm and threw away the rest of the pack. I have been smoking for 22 years and I made a personal commitment today was going to be the start of my new life with a healthy outlook. I encourage everybody who wants to quit smoking to plan at least a month in advance and just stop smoking in your house and car so that way the quitting day will be easier. I took the day off at work since I knew I could be crabby and I plan to be smoke free. No medicines or anything. Just cold turkey. I know that I can and I will. And those who are struggling just think how your appearance and smell will be in a couple of days, plus your health improve, plus you will have extra money. 

You can do it!!!

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My quit date was 9-22-14, I 'll have 2 weeks tomorrow.

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Hi Everyone,

I've scheduled my quit date for 10/20.  I keep saying I'm going to quit and then never do. 

I do have friends who are very encouraging even though I always fall off the wagon.  They tell me to keep trying.

One friend actually told me to use the phrase "I don't want that".  These are very powerful words, because it really makes sense.  

I know there are some naysayers, but I've started to separate myself from them.  Not just because they don't believe in me about quitting, they don't believe in me at all.

Right now, I want to cry justing thinking about quitting.  But I know everyone who knows me really wants me to quit.

Keep your head high and know that you are strong.

Congratulations to all!


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