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Give and get support around quitting

ONLY thing that worked for me.....

.... and several other people I know, is that Chantix stuff. Yes, you have to get a 'scrip from your doctor, but IT IS WORTH IT !!!! I am starting my 3rd month without having a single drag...& I was a pack to a 1&1/2 pack a day smoker.
One last thing. It's NOT a "Magic Bullet". I mean, you have to really WANT to quit. If you honestly have that going for you, the Chantix will take care of the rest.
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8 Replies

I took Chantix for a little less than one month, no real mentionable side effects for me. I just didn't want to continue taking it and my insurance co didn't cover the expense either. Anyway, I'm one month and 8 days smoke free. So yeah, it really does help. if you want it to
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How bad are the side effects? I'm very susceptible to pills & thier side effects. I've been scared to fill my scrip. Right now I'm trying to fly cold turkey cuz I was having side effects from the patch. It was making me feel real sick. So I'm chewing the hell out of a straw right now while having a pretty intense craving. It sucks.
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Hi, hwc-I quit cold turkey as well. On an earlier attempt, I chewed Nicorette and then got addicted to that and ended up smoking and chewing at the same time. Got pretty expensive. I have an addictive personality and this was the only way to stay away from cigs, by having no nicotine in my body at all. Your 4 month quit gives me courage. I smoked for 40 years-funny how one day you wake up and decide you've had enough of such self-destructive behavior on your part.
I wish us both success and an endless supply of determination. Anne
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Hi Cloifff - maurren here - you've been sending me support and I see you need some too - listen - I had no withdrawal effects after quiting the Chantrix - have been smoke free for 8 weeks now - Chantix free for 7 weeks 5 days - stopped taking the pill as soon as I had 2 days smoke free - I suffered a lot of nausea and bad dreams - but guess what ? none of that was as bad as not being able to stop smoking on my own - so just go for it - do what ever it takes - get all the help you can - smoke free is THE BEST !!!
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Quite a few responses here from the time i posted late last night! WOW, that's great.
Of course, every drug in treatment of anything should be evaluated on each & every individual basis...along with your doctor. In my case, when I first inquired, he insisted that I choose a specific date to begin - which I did. Treatment also started with a single, lower dosage pil per day, working up to double that dose twice a day. Personally, the only side effects I encountered were some pretty crazy dreams! I had no stomach or indigestion problems. Again, that is me & no one else, although others I spoke with who quit before I tried said they had an easier go than I did, with the Chantix.
HWC> Great for you and good info. Obviously, that does not work for most however. I hope you're not insisting that all one REALLY needs to quit are "the facts". I feel that "weak" challenge is only a losing proposition and could easily lead to further negative psychological reinforcement.
Kozmik> I really like your strong, reinforcing encouargement! Sounds like you have put things together well and have no issues in sharing same. AMEN Sister !

My best to each & everyone on your quit !
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Kozmik> Indeed it is Arizona State. I grew up in the Phoenix metroplex - But moved up here to Portland Or. in '92. Always will be what my handle says! ... A HA...I see you live in Scottsdale. I can count a lot of happy time on "the strip" ( Scottsdale Rd. / Mill Ave. )

Cliff> I'm pullin for ya bud !
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I quit with Chantix and for me it was that "magic bullet". When the doc gave me the script, I had no real intention of quitting, but just started taking the meds to shut the doctor up. After 4 days on the meds, I had my last cig. It tasted so gross, it stunk and did nothing for me. I had smoked between 2 to 2 1/2 packs a day for about 39 years. Quitting wasn't always easy, but it was a lot easier than I expected it to. The thought of quiting was scarier that actually doing it. I have been off of the meds now for about 86 days, and in less than a couple of hours, I will be quit for 150 days. I love being free.
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You GO Miss Pat !
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