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Give and get support around quitting


Not a good night

  Yesterday afternoon and evening was not what I would call a good one. I was having a bipolar meltdown. I know the script of the movie that usually occurs when I need to talk about how I feel, especially when it comes to husband and family. So, I write and I did. The words were of how I'm a horrible, lazy, person who does not take care of my husband, family, anything around the house (I couldn't tell you the last time I cleaned more than 2 rooms) and that I'm not worthy of  even wasting another precious day of God's gift of life. I love my husband deeply but I'm sick of his pattern of coming home from work, going straight out to the garage to start up his work computer, opening a beer and popping in a movie. He stays out there and works from home (which he doesn't get paid for), piddles around with stuff, fixing some stuff and having a few beers. He rarely comes in to have dinner and we don't sleep in the same room. I just want some attention and conversation. We might talk 5 minutes a day and now that I don't go out to smoke we don't even talk that long. It hurts. 

Then I realized that I get more love and support from people on this site that I don't even know than I do from my family!

So today is another day and I'll do my best to pick myself up and brush of the quicksand. I'll try to do better at life than I did yesterday. I'll try to care more about the good things and not focus on what I feel is missing. I'll have that chat with the lady in the glass and work towards loving her. There is one thing that I REFUSE to do, smoke! If I have strength enough for that I can make it through another challenging bipolar day. 

So thanks my friends for helping me along my journey.

Julie      30 DOF!!!

24 Replies

Congrats on your wonderful 30 days of freedom.

Can somewhat related, I choose ME!  I clean the house for ME, I get rid of clutter for ME, I allow ME to have a social life!  I choose to be smoke free for ME!   

Thankfully he let's me be ME, and when his time permits, then WE do we stuff, like hopefully getting out of dodge for the weekend for a tour of a lighted Christmas shopping spree!!!   That rarely happens, as he understandably commutes a hour every day, last thing he wants to do is to travel back to the metro area...hey I'm a city girl.

Just take a deep breath...and choose to be YOU!



Congrats on 30 days nicotine free and thank you for your courage and honesty with self and me... I was reading your blog and I remember but for the grace of God go I ...who helped me over 30 the people who used to be like us waiting for the love and approval from others who didn't even have it for themselves... I was expecting them to make me FEEL.......... whatever you want fill in the blank.... so these people just like ME addicted to people approval.... please I am talking about ME not anyone else... take what helps and leave the rest... thank you... the suggested to go to Al-anon... to try 6 meetings and I can have my misery back.... effected by someone else's drinking... choices...etc..... so I did and guess what? I am free to not only live nicotine free today but people free too... I gotta love me first cuz how can I give away something I don't have ... just sharing the love so freely give to me and by the way FANTASTIC job STAYING QUIT and not using nicotine over you... much love gentle hug and please blog again! I love you!!!


I begin many days liked that or rather I usually begin trying to be grateful and end the day sad and sorry for the way my life has turned out . Life sure can be bittersweet I have much to be grateful for ! Sometimes I have to wonder what is wrong with me ! Sorry I am not  being very uplifting  but your blog made me see similar things in myself !

Congrats on your 30 days of freedom Julie ! You are doing it and it will get easier !

Let us both be grateful for this day and the blessings we have ...hang in !


Baby, get a library card and enjoy trips to the library and other worlds (when you enter books). 

Get some counseling on your own and you will realize, you can't change him, but you can change yourself.  You are great!!


Good for you.  the most important thing to concentrate on is your freedom from smoking. Everything is not going to get better just because we quit. Many lifestyle habits and routines will continue the same until we decide to change them. But we can't change the behavior of others. Only indirectly through our own behavior, which does affect others. I applaud you for your 30 days of freedom. This is my 13th day of freedom. I know that I will go through many bipolar days of boredom frustration and everything else that goes along with this condition., which I also have. I feel for you. Keep up the good work. Make it your priority. Things will change. They are bound to. Our actions have more influence on others than we realize.

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