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Give and get support around quitting


Not Smoking is a Good Thing!

Yes, it is a good thing.  My being here is a very good thing.  At the same time, though, I need to accept the fact that a part of me is going back to those pre-nicotine days when I was a 20 year old pup. 


People have been very kind when it comes to my minor moodiness some days.  It isn’t often, and certainly not a deep depression, but just a feeling of sadness. Most days, I have of too much energy.  I am up and about a lot, unable to sit, and needing to “burn off energy.”


Yes, I know this very well could be my body adjusting to no nicotine.  It may continue, off and on, for a while.  Then it may dissipate and I will go on to a more normal existence. On the other hand, it may not.


Before I quit smoking, my moodiness was frequent.  I would often hide from peer, and just prefer to be alone.  At the same time, I could not sit for long.  My attention span was very short, and as a result, my schooling suffered.  I was the poster boy for “underachiever” from first grade to the first 2 years in college.   Barely got by and did almost nothing in school for 14 years except day dream.


I then started self-medicating with nicotine.  My Grades soared.  I graduated from college.  It covered my moodiness.  Looking back, the difference was amazing.    I do not know what would have happened if I had not used nicotine.  I will never know.


I have now stopped the nasty smoking, and so some of the same issues are returning.  I welcome them.  They are my real feelings.  I am slowly getting to know me without the haze of nicotine.  It is fun, and interesting.


So when I am a bit down some days, know that it is just part of me.  I love the support of you all, good and bad days, but know that these are just a few of the quirks that come with being me.  It will also be interesting to watch how it changes from day 58 to day 229 to day 1,783.

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I am so glad I informed all whom I love dearly that I was going to quit smoking...and they put on their armour on!!!  Then shortly after I started a new job...and struggled with how I possibly could balance without the aid of a cigarette, relatable to studying for my good grades!  Not to mention the life stresses of being a caretaker to my mother, and a husband who travels the majority of the year, and almost always gone during a crisis!   Such is life!!

Amazingly,  I found that my patience is much stronger, attention span much longer, and goals full filled.

I've always been OCD and impatient with projects, that unfortunately  (per my husband's opinion) did not decrease!!  Would so love to see his reaction to the bed not made, dirty dishes, floors...etc!

I'll never admit to it not being a PIA, or that the thought has never crossed my mind, to have just one, but I value my quit, and my strength to stay that way!  One day at a time!

Keep up the great quit my friend!
