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Give and get support around quitting


Non Smoking Fatty

Last year I found out I had slightly high cholesterol and triglyceride so I started eating right and exercising resulting in a loss of 25 pounds and great improvement in my blood work within 6 months. Then I quit smoking 13 weeks ago and gained back 15 pounds!! I’m not happy about this at all! I am back to exercising and improving my diet again (I slacked off once I hit my goal weight and kept it stable), but two weeks in and I feel like it’s more difficult to move the scale. I have actually not lost 1 single pound!! I know it’s only 2 weeks so far, but has anyone else experienced a gain that was more difficult to lose as a non smoker? Is it just in my head? Am I making excuses for myself...again? 

24 Replies

I am so afraid of the weight gain. I have been on thyroid meds for about

20 years now, but my weight goes up and down so easily. Thanks for sharing.

On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 9:25 AM Barbscloud <>

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I understand, because I've battled my weight my whole life and even lost weight intentionally before I quit smoking. I am disappointed I gained so much weight.   I can't say what effect it will have since you were diagnosed long before you quit.  I thinks it's safe to say that along with every other bodily function, smoking isn't good for your thyroid either.  Don't lose sight of the fact that not smoking for 13 weeks is quite an accomplishment and is going to have a positive impact on your health.  Stay strong.


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I quit almost 10mos ago, but the hunger didn't really start until after 4mos quit. I've gained 20pounds total. Has anyone else experienced this delayed onset increase in hunger? I do have hypothyroidism, but take the same meds. I'm exercising regularly, but also eating more because I never feel full. Advice for how to combat this? 

Also, I discovered this site when I got home in tears from my doc, w/no answers, so thank you all for being here.


Welcome Sylvie23‌   Glad you're here!   We can all support one another! 


I've been thinking about this today.  This "illness"  is new to me as of March.    Has your blood been checked recently.     I don't think we should speculate because this sounds like a medical question to me.  Are you seeing PCP or endocrinologist?   Hope there's someone here with a shared experience.  Stay in touch.


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