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Nicorette Gum

Ok, I'm on day 3 of not smoking. I smoked a pack a day for over 6 years. I am using nicorette to help me through this little adventure as I like to call it. I was wondering how people ween themselves off of it. I am only using about 4 to 5 pieces a day. But I would really like to have NO nicotine in my system. I am scared to get off of it. Tonight I am going to a concert and I know I'll probably have a few beers and I would love to not have to chew on nicorette to help my cravings. Any adivce? I know that 4 pieces of nicorette isn't a whole lot considering I smoked 20 cigarettes a day, but I can't imagine my day without those 4 pieces.
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13 Replies

Too soon!!! Actually, for smoking 20 cigarettes a day, the prescribed is like 9 -12 pieces of gum a day that I recall. I wouldn't recommend weening yet considering you are only on day 3. Don't stress out over it and just roll with the gum chewing. Eventually you will come off of it.
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Bring some regular gum too all I do is chew chew lol 3 days is kinda soon to worry bout coming off the gum I think just worry bout not smoking. Drinking is a huge trigger for me too you can do this.Have fun and enjoy! I like Coldplay too
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Mmmmmm Licorice sounds like a good substitute! Thanks so much for the advice it really helps to know there are people who are going through this and understand what it's like.
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I know 3 days is soon to worry about getting off the gum, I just can't wait to be free of everything! Thanks so much for the advice!
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Right now you are in the beginning stages of stopping smoking. Don't worry about chewing the gum. It will help you to get used to being smoke free. I'd take the gum with you and be safe rather than sorry!! Keep it up Jackie! There will be a day when you have no nicotine in you. Remember this is not a race, rather it is a journey! Each day is a new beginning and allows for one more day to be proud of yourself for being smoke free! Take it one day at a time!!
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Jackie don't be too worried about the nic gum if it helps the huge thing is that your not smoking . The mental addiction is what you need to get over 1st
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Jackie - You're doing GREAT....I wanted to reply to you earlier, but I was SOOO jealous you were going to see Coldplay, I couldn't talk !!! HA !! Was it GREAT, by the way ??

OK - back to business...I'm chomping on the gum too. The first day, I chomped one in the morning, and one every hour for the reat of the day. Whew - it was tough !! I know the hardest time for me is first thing in the morning, with my coffee. So, before I even got out of bed, I'd pop a piece of gum in my mouth, and start chomping.

Quitting is more than just getting the nicotine out of your system, and going through the withdrawal of this addiction. It's the "habit"...our mental and psychological state that is the hardest to repair. Getting over the times we used to smoke, and now we don't. Getting over what to do with our hands - even smoking for just 6 years, your mind has the habit of that hand-to-mouth action of smoking.

You'll know when to start cutting back on the gum - but JEEZ - it's only a few days for kind to yourself.

I'm smoke-free for 24 days now...and doing fantastic. (I smoked for 42 years !!) I get the "urge" every now and then - so I still pop in a piece of gum if I need to....but now I chomp only 1 or 2 pieces a day. You WILL do this...good luck !!!
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I know, the mental addiction is definitely the hardest part to all of this, thanks so much
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NOPE!! I love it, that will definitely help me out!
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