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Give and get support around quitting


Newbie Roll Call

Okay, Newbies, I am checking to see how you are doing and if you need any additional help.  Give us a shout out and let us know.  If you are new in the last two weeks and I missed your name I apologize, let me know. If you are active just say Present. lol We would love to get to know you better and help you as much as we can. If you are having any problems you can comment here and we will be more than happy to help you. If you haven't set a date yet just stay close, read study and ask questions. You can do it. NOPE



Dorothyjack53‌ (9-30)


Marijon143‌ (9-4)

tevans0919‌ ( 9-10)






Please feel free to comment. This is something new that I am attempting so we do not lose you.  Thanks for your help. 

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18 Replies

Congratulations Xyerah You are almost through hell week...and all over the place ... that is hell week... glad you have a good support team...tell mom she can’t smoke in car, in room, and basically anywhere around you...she needs to respect your quit and smoke in smoking area without you around...You go...and a Happy Friday ~ Colleen 284 DOF 


Sorry, I didn't address my responses to you, so I don't know if your saw them.   

Big congrats on your first smoke free week.  You sound very confident with your quit.  Definitely make plans for that trip!


I smoked outside, so that's where I drank my morning coffee.  I didn't drink more or less.  I started drinking my coffee while sitting at my computer while on Ex in the morning.  Mornings are hard.  If you think about it, it's the first step to your real quitting.   Just get past that one cigarette and you're on your way to success.  Then it's one day at at time.  Reach out before you reach for the cigarette and if you still have some, well....



Thank you for responding.  It is good to know that you are doing what you have to do not vape.  When I was feeling the way you are I found that just sitting down in a quiet place, breathing slowly long deep breathes, inhale/exhale or even taking a nap just to unwind helped a lot.  Remaining calm helped.  One day at time. One moment or second is all you can do.  Keep going.  The main thing is never to put another vape, smoke, chew in your mouth.  I would suggest that you get rid of everything.  Do not keep stuff on the back burner.  Let it all go. No turning back. Get through this rough spot so you can be free.  Stay close we will support you. Never give up, never give in.  We are here for you.   Keep us posted before the trip we will have some more itips/deas.  One quick tip:put a little Vick's under your nose if you are around smokers. 


I smoked outside, so that's where I drank my morning coffee.  I didn't drink more or less.  I started drinking my coffee while sitting at my computer while on Ex in the morning.  Mornings are hard.  If you think about it, it's the first step to your real quitting.   Just get past that one cigarette and you're on your way to success.  Then it's one day at at time.  Reach out before you reach for the cigarette and if you still have some, well....



Hi friends! My quit date is tomorrow. I’m already anxious and scared. I feel prepared. I’ve done all things... my reasons list, my rewards calendar, my list of things I can instead. I just know it’s goinh to be harder than I’m anticipating and I’m scared. 


Good morning and welcome.   Fear is very common with quitting.  If you search on the magnifying glass for "fear"  you'll find many posts addressing this topic.  What people fear can be different.  Sounds like you're prepared so there's nothing to be afraid of. Don't scare yourself into making it harder.  This is just me, but I overcame my fear when I realized quitting was a choice and could choose to smoke again.  But when you approach it one day at a time, tomorrow is now one day at at time and so on.  We're here for you, so reach out if you help.


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It is hard but not as hard as your addictive brain tries to tell you.  Stay close. You are ready.  The idea is not to take a puff no matter what is happening.  Go through the drug withdrawal and learn new behavior and you will continue to be free.  Learn to breathe and embrace.  Here is an encouraging blog /blogs/Chuck_Quit_2-20-2011-blog/2014/02/27/it-has-to-start-somewhere?sr=search&searchId=dc81be65-e7...  Having EX for support is half the battle.  You have to do the work. We are here to support you. 

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Hello everyone, I am new to this site as well. Learning my way around this place. Thank you for the shout out


Hi All newbies how are you doing in your quit...? We want to help and want to the beginning it can be rough and part of the journey is coming to the support site.  Let us know...if you need any help....~Colleen 299 DOF 

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