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Give and get support around quitting


New to Ex and Ready To Quit

Hello! My name is Charity and I just found out that I am pregnant and I want to quit for my health and the health of my unborn child. I thought I would be able to just put them down whenever the time came, but it is a hard process. I kinda have to put a rush on this quiting business because of the pregnancy but at least I can say I have motivation. I am ready to quit for good.
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5 Replies

Welcome to Ex Charity, and congratulations on your new baby!!!
When you get the chance, you should post a blog out on the main page for every one to see.
Ask questions and tell your story. You will really be amazed at the amount of support people give out here!!!
Let us know what your quit plan is, and how we can help you!!
Sending strength your way,
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Hey Charity! You've come to the right place!!! We are here to help. There are some great groups available on the website, one is pregnant and quit smoking and another is Mothers who want to quit smoking! I'd say get into some of the groups for extra support and be sure to get involved on the website!! There are wonderful people on here!! Quitting is important right now because you have a life growing inside you! You can do it!!! Your baby needs you to do it!!!
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welcome, we all have to quit, even though we have different reasons, you will get support, congratulations on the new baby peace!
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and welcome to the site, you are doing the greatest thing you will ever do for yourself and your baby, education + determination = success.
lots of education here and at and determination comes from within, success is measured one day at a time.

Regards, and congrats,
RJ ...Free at Last 497 days after 32+ yrs of feeding the addiction.
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and welcome to the site, you are doing the greatest thing you will ever do for yourself and your baby, education + determination = success.
lots of education here and at and determination comes from within, success is measured one day at a time.

Regards, and congrats,
RJ ...Free at Last 497 days after 32+ yrs of feeding the addiction.
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