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Give and get support around quitting


New to BecomeAnEx

Hi. My name is Velvet. I've been smoking for 8 Years and I want to quit. I want to stop as soon as possible. I tried once before with lozenges but now I can not afford to buy any medication to help me stop. The lozenges were successful, I stopped for 15 days and only slipped up once. I was so proud of myself until I had a bad situation happen and I've been smoking again almost a year now. I do not have any support really. Everyone I know smokes and they laugh at me when I try to stop smoking saying I will never be able to do it and it hurts. I have been unemployed for 2 years and that doesn't help either. I know my triggers and I know what I can do to stop but I know that if I stop then I will relapse and do it all over again. I have little to no confidence that I can do this especially without help. I do not even have medical insurance that will help me get chantix or any other medication. The patches never worked for me it only made me want to smoke more. Well thats my story. I hope I can get some support from lots of you when I'm ready to quit. I feel like I'm really going to need it. Thanks for listening.
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6 Replies

Hey Velvet, you don't need any darn thing except your beautiful self to quit. If you know your triggers and know what you have to do to quit and you know you relapse, you know it ALL. We're all here to hold out a hand to grab you before you fall. I know I couldn't have done this if I didn't have the kind of support I had. It makes all the difference.

Prove your friends wrong! I have confidence that you can do this, even if you don't. You know why? Because I didn't want to quit at all, enjoyed the heck out of smoking, did so for 35 + years, didn't particularly have any major side affects but I quit (because i wised up and because I made a Lenten promise). And if I can do, so can you. If all the people who have quit on this site can do it, so can you.

When we were kids we got along just fine without cigarettes, didn't we? Go back to that place in your head. You don't need cigarettes at all. Read. And read. And read. Think of it like running a marathon. You need to train. Then you'll be ready to run the race for you life. And you'll come out a winner!
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It's tuff, but this site seems to help. Staying quit is the real challenge for me. You feel better, breath better, feel stronger, smell better and then you slip....but getting up is the real task i suppose!
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I agree with Giulia and think she is right on and worth listening to about the ability to quit.

A good support group will work better than patches or meds or hypnosis in my opinion.

Having the right attitude and looking towards the positives will sure help your quit.

I believe Nicotine stays in the body for 72 hours and cravings typically last 2-5 minutes. I would prepare a survival kit for all the cravings after the quit with hard candy, liquorice, cinnamon sticks, straws, different tasting mouthwashes or toothpastes. I would also suggest a small bottle of Vics vapor rub and put a little bit under your nose during craves.

Everyones quit is different. My first two weeks went pretty well. The third week really had some intense cravings.

My keys to success was finding a support group similar to this (, finding a Quit Buddy that was going through the same pains I was going through , making a daily pledge to myself an others not to smoke that day and deciding I was never going to make an excuse to put a lit cigarette near my face ever again. My quit has now lasted over 4 years and I am no more special than yourself. We both have the ability to do this successfully. Let me know if I can be of help in the future, ok?

I have a Daily Pledge Group and a Daily post in the Separation Forum and I hope you will join us soon!

PS- I might suggest stopping on a Friday so you will have more control of your first few days of your quit. I have know those that tried to sleep as much during the 1st 3 days as possible.
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Velvet, I will order you a smokless inhale if you like and ship it to you- They really helped me the first time and I will use it again on the 19th- Let me know, Mark
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I know many people including myself have felt that their not strong enough to quit smoking, because of the urges that seem to keep coming and coming, I used chantix for the first 10 day, first 7 days you keep smoking and the remaing days you don't...the point is I did go cold turkey because I went to and educated myself and my smoke friends about what smoking will do to my body, but I also learned that the nicotine was out of my body, and that help me become commited and accountable for my quit. This site is great, the people here are so supportive...get some friends, get in a group or two and make this quit count. Im here for support.
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Hey Velvet,

Welcome to the family! We are all here to help each other get this done not matter what the circumstances!

You don't need NRT tp quit but some people find it helpful. On the main page of becomeanex at the bottom is a resource link. Some states are giving people free NRT from the tobacco settlement so click on your state and see.

Either way the only way to do this is to have a strong detemined attitude. You can so this and we will all be here to cheer you on!!

You can do this!!!! Be Free!!

Susan Day 74
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