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Give and get support around quitting


New to Become an Ex

I am excited about joining this website. I love the open feel of it all, the fact that I can open up and be totally honest with my success AND failures in the quitting process. I have tried quitting before, failed and ended up being a closet smoker for months on end because I was too embarrased to admit that I had failed to anyone around me. I am the mother of two boys (7 and 2) and just found out I am expecting baby number three. Quitting smoking is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, the only close second to that being watching my father die slowly from cancer when I was only 15 years old. I started smoking myself 3 years later, talk about feeling stupid. I have tried other stop smoking phone hotlines and communities but I just end up lying to whomever my sponser is, telling them I haven't 'slipped' or started again while smoking a cig with them on the phone! My quit date is Sept 15 and I have no personal support from anyone in my life except my 7 year old son so I am hoping to gain that through this group. Good luck to all here and I look forward to getting to know the other mothers! Okay I guess that's all for now...sorry to ramble on...I'm actually trying to distract myself from smoking right now :>).
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11 Replies

Your quit date is coming soon are you guys ready? I think it's awesome you are doing it together! I know you will prob fight alot out of the irritablity factor but it will also be invaluable to have someone else there going through it WITH other source of support like that in the world than someone who can look you in the eyes, say 'i understand how you feel' and truely mean it. Plus you'll be good motivation and encouragement for one another. I have been trying to appeal to my boyfriends competitive male side to convince him to try and quit. You know, things like...Haha I haven't smoked for 5 whole you couldn't even go 1! You just don't want to quit cuz your afraid I'll show you up" He laughs alot, but so far still smokes. Oh well...we are spending alot less time together because I can't STAND the smell...maybe wanting to be with me more will motivate him..who knows!! I'll be thinking about ya alot in the next couple days..check in and lemme know how your doing and if i can do anything to help. you've been awesome to me and i wanna return the favor!
Good LUCK!
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Today is my quit day. So far so good. My husband crushed and threw our last pack out las night. I chewed some Nic gum this morning on the way to work. It worked great I wasn't even irritated at anyone. I don't smoke at work so I'm doing fine there. The evenings may be a little more stressful cause my kids drive me nuts. But I have the gum and lots of sugar free snacks. I'm on weight watchers so I just can't pig out on anything to keep the cravings down. I really hope your boyfriend comes around. Just remember you are doing it for yourself and your health. If he doesn't want to be supportive and help you. Then maybe spending more time apart is a good thing. I hope I am not being to personal. Well keep up the good work and don't worry about what he thinks. Once he feels the effects on his health maybe he will have a change of heart. Keep in touch. Yes, I will take all the support I can get. Thanks for offering.
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