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Give and get support around quitting


New here!

Hello all! I just joined the site a couple of minutes ago and wanted to introduce myself. I am planning on quitting on my birthday August 22nd. I figured that not only could I celebrate my birthday but also celebrate the day I was reborn by quitting smoking. I'm a single mother of 2 young children and the thought of them growing up with their mother hurts too much. I recently lost my grandfather to lung cancer and don't want to go that way.
I know that the stress of being a single parent is a big enough reason for me not to quit smoking, but my children are a bigger reason too quit. I just need help getting there! Hope all can help as much as possible. Thanks
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3 Replies

That's my birthday too!!! There's always going to be reasons for us to find to keep smoking, but we just have to be stronger than our addictions and say no, I'm strong enough to raise these kids without it! Good luck!
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aloha lisa, you need a quit plan are you gonna go cold turkey or do the patches. go to and get as much education as you can. it will help you know what to expect. I would start way sooner than your birthday, if you get it started sooner by the time your burthday rolls around you will be well over the worst of it. go for it you can do it. if you need us we are a group of quitters who have not smoked for years. come visit our group smoke freedom started by kozmik burd
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Hi Lisa, WELCOME :). I also am a mother of 2 ( twin girls). You will get a lot of support on this site, I find it great. I joined about 10 days ago, I have went from 20 a day down to 8, that is really good for me. I just could not do cold turkey, You do what ever you think will work for you. Feel free to email me any time. The more time I spend on the computer the less I smoke 🙂
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