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Give and get support around quitting


New here. Just trying to get support for my quit

 I chose March 13th to be my quitdate. I've tried quitting like 5 times in the last month but cave around the 4th day, always in the evening time. 

I am on disability but do clean a couple houses a week during the day, in the evening I'm tired and bored with a lot of anxiety.

If the evenings were as easy as the mornings and day time I'd have it made ( not that they are easy, but my attitude about not smoking is better).

I am bipolar, with an anxiety disorder and ptsd. So I feel like this screws me up too

I also don't have much real life support, no friends to call who get it. My partner smokes but she does so away from me. Only smokes outside or in her office. If I smoke this is also where I smoke but avoid these areas when I quit. 

Any, all advice is welcome. Also, I don't know if you can get friends here or if not, but if so I would love some

Going to write down everytime I smoke starting tomorrow with what is triggering me. 

Sorry for the book lol

31 Replies

Welcome, stay close to this site, remain willing, determined and totally committed to succeed and you can and will be successful in your precious upcoming quit, read everything you can about quitting smoking and Remaining Quit because there's a wealth of information here to strengthen your resolve. 


Welcome !!!! So glad your here. Such a wonderful place for support. Stay close to the site and read all of the material suggested. Best wishes for a successful quit. You can do this!!!


Let me add a welcome aboard to you also beccalynn35 ! I love that you crochet, I've never been able to pick up that skill. But, boy-oh-boy, I surely could shell a lot of beans from my garden when I first quit smoking! I got over 10# of great northern beans and 5+# of kidney beans! Keeping my hands and fingers busy was a very big help.

Hang out here. You will find people you connect with and those that will be a very large help to you. Don't give up. It takes time, time, and more time to break the habit. . Keep pluggin' away

Hugs & Blessings



Wow, I am shocked on how many responses I got. I'm thinking I don't need to wait until March 13th to quit, I just have to figure out a way to relieve my anxiety in the evening time. 

Today I wrote down every cig I smoked and what the trigger was. I found my biggest trigger is i feel anxious in the evening ( I do have an anxiety disorder). If I can do something relaxing maybe that would help. Like coloring or crotcheting. 

I might quit tomorrow. What do you think. If I could just get a 3 weeks in, I think from there I can handle cravings. I forgot the time period... something like 120 days, but it said it gets better then. I would love to say to self hold out that long, but I think I need short term sight for a min. Since I have a hard time around 4 days I just want to say wait 3 weeks, because I know it gets a little better then. 

I don't know if this makes any sense. Lol. 

Member I just attempted to "share" directly from his post, but not having a clue as to how that works or whether it will get to you, I'm just giving you a link here too.

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I'm on day 7 smoke free. The first 2 days I spent cutting back.  I'm using chanttix

and nicorrette gum. It's been hard but don't give up. Even less smoking is the start to quitting. At night try sitting in a different spot. Read, knit do something you enjoy And keep trying!!

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Congratulations Teapea!  Wishing you great success.  

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I am also taking Chantix. I have been smoke free for 10 days today. How are you handling being on the med? I seem to have a lot of anxiety and sleeplessness from it.

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I took Chantix when it first came out. My experiences with it were not positive. I was sick for three months with nausea  and headache.  I quit taking it after that. I did not smoke for almost 2 1/2 years, but those 2 1/2 years were one of the most horrendous periods in my life. I had every single "possible" side effect they now spell out from the skin rashes to ALL the mental issues until I went back to smoking. It literally nearly took my life.

My second quit, using for a while the nicotine replacement lozenges, went far better and I have been smoke free since Aug 9, 2015. As my friends here will tell you, all these days were not always very pretty, but I have made it!

If Chantix works for you, then go for it! I just had horrible, horrible experiences with it.

Hug & Blessings


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I'm sorry you had a bad experience with it.  I have been on it for 5 weeks and I have very few side effects. I have anxiety and panic attacks normally and I think that this med has just made it worse. Other then that I have handled it well. I have heard some horror stories about it though so I'm being careful and paying attention to any depression and things like that.

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