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New Years Day Quitters

I am bound and determined to get the freakin' smokes out of my life! New Year's Day, 2009....I am getting the prescription for Chantrex and am going to do it! Happy New Year!
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480 Replies

Day 9 and things are lookin' good!  Had 'bunco' last night, so first opportunity to drink and not smoke - it really wasn't that bad.....What made it all worth it was the smell of my sweater this morning - smelled like my bath soap, not an ashtray......


I am noticing a brightness back in my face too - skin lightening up, dark circles fading a bit under my eyes....


Life is GOOD!

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Sunday morning: Ten days. Still an EX.

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Hi All:

That is so great Jill5737. My doctor told me the gray palor is because thr nicotine is eating up the oxygen in the blood. I probably said that super simple, but that is the idea. It is so nice to see that you physically start to look healthier.

I don't know what "bunco" is. I'm guessing it's a game? Cards?

Anyway, keep up the good work.

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Here we are folks...another milestone for us. DOUBLE DIGITS!!!!! Going snowmobiling today and I'm telling the hubby I'd like to stop somewhere and celebrate this. How do I want to celebrate? With a really good burger!! My mouth is already watering just thinking about it. And to think just a short week or so ago I was salivating at the thought of a butt!! I LOVE BEING A QUITTER!!!

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Deedee - I noticed the same thing! On Sunday we were going out to home living store, and I put on just a tiny bit of makeup, stood back, and said, "Woah."  That took about 1 tenth the eye makeup as usual.  Definitely brighter.  Yay, beauty benefits ROCK!

SuzyQ - Enjoy your snowmobile ride!  We don't get that kind of snow down here. Must make it up North sometime.  ANyway, breathe in that fresh air, get some good exercise, and that burger will taste so good and well-deserved!

10 days, folks!!!!  Congratulations and don't give up giving up!!!

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I've been looking and can't find it.  How do I get me stats?  cigs not smoked, money saved. etc.


Double digits baby.  We got it made

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Community Manager
Community Manager

jmutch wrote:


I've been looking and can't find it.  How do I get me stats?  cigs not smoked, money saved. etc.


Double digits baby.  We got it made is where you would see it. It goes on 20/day unless you edit your profile and list your average cigs smoked per day when you smoked.

If you want to calculate money saved you can use the calculator I built here: EX Quit Calculator

EX Community Manager

EX Community Admin Team
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I didn't even realize it was double digits. My big goal is a lifetime. My medium goal is over 9 months (longest I ever quit for in 30 years). My tiny goal is all the little stuff I miss. The things you guys see that brighten my day when I'm down. Like today, DOUBLE DIGITS.

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4 days, 5 hours and I'm feelin' strong.  Not to say the cravings aren' t there but I'm a man on a mission.  Sorry Philip/Morris.  Not only do I feel richer from not buying cigarettes but Pennsylvania State Government has one less sin taxpayer.  Sorry Governor Rendell...I know you'll miss me!

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Can't believe I haven't had a butt since the eve of 1/1 . . . .still miss smoking, but the craving is really getting less and less and I WON'T give into it.  Stay strong crowd.  Love reading these messages!!

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