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New Years Day Quitters

I am bound and determined to get the freakin' smokes out of my life! New Year's Day, 2009....I am getting the prescription for Chantrex and am going to do it! Happy New Year!
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480 Replies

Hey gottadoit!  Way to go and Happy Smoke Free New Year!

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Thanks for the kudos, EXin2010, and congrats on each and every smoke free minute you have conquered  Happy Smoke Free New Year to you as well, and to everyone who is giving up the habit in 2010.

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Before  I forget....What's the quit meter?  Did I miss something?

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 Hi Everyone,


I'm 23 and work third shift at Walmart. I never had my addiction get so out of hand til I started working there and found that they had a smoking lounge. It's silly but it's easier to talk to people in therer rather than in the other where noone talks at all. I've set my date for today New Years 2010 and doing well so far except craving the cigarates I never liked we will see how long this lasts. I hope we all have sucess good luck everyone!


Mike in Atlanta

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wow that breakdown is kinda scary. 15 yrs for our bodies to recover.

I am on "day 6" and could really use any support. My husband is suppost to be cutting down and adventually quiting.But I have yet to see that, so no help there sadly!

 As for me I think I'm doing well. I am using the patch for about 12 hrs. a day. I have to take it off at night bc it gives me way to vivid of dreams and then I wake up at 7am every morning looking around and trying not to notice the ashtrays and the left over smell of smoke from his last cigarette of the night!

But yes! 2010! I am very excited. I hope to slowly get my breathing back to normal and get to exersise and buy a bike for the bike path and LOSE weight. (which is why I was afraid to quit to be honest!)


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Question for you guys! I am using the patch and put my first one on at 1am last night before going to bed. Are you guys going Cold Turkey or?

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Been building myself up for this the last 2 weeks....been doing a mantra in my mind "I AM a quitter". So far so good. Been awake for 4 hours and managing to stave off the craves. Yeah, it's still early but I'm going in baby steps here. Can't afford the patches, etc so have to do this cold turkey... I've been a smoker for over 30 years. I've quit for about a year before but anger was my ex husbands too!! Used to think "I'm 50 yrs old and can do whatever I want" How lame is that?!? Well, I'm going to carry on now. Not telling too many in my fam as that puts more pressure on me to quit and also gives me a reason to know, the old "Fine! I'll show them!" anger response syndrome!!

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Okay, today is only day one for me but I am so excited to get on with my life "smoke free". I had my last smoke last night at about 10pm, and although I do have the erges this morning, I keep telling myself the reason why it is that I am quitting. I wish you all the best of luck. WE CAN DO THIS!

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Well, I slept terrible last night. Kept waking up. Maybe it's knowing that I'm an ex now. I've had 1 commit lozenge and a peppermint candy. A cup of Earl Gray tea and 1/2 a granola bar. I feel high. why is that? maybe it will go away. I'm waiting for my daughter to wake up so we can start games day. so good-so far.

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Hi everyone.  I wanted to join this group but am a little behind.  I am quitting.  I have 2 cigarrettes left and am trying to make them last the rest of the day as my quit date is tomorrow.  I am soooo sad right now!  I know smoking is a disgusting habit.  I know my children don't want to hug me after I've had a cigarrette. I know my co-workers and friends(I only have one smoking friend) hate the smell when I walk back in the office, but I have been smoking for 22 years.  More than half my life.  I have activities planned for today to keep my mind off it but I am glued to this computer.  I've smoked during just about every activity in my life.  I've asked my children not to fight with each other today and to help me with Christmas decoration take-down.  So far so good. 

I can relate to SuzyQ with the anger response. My mother, father and brother smoke.  My father recently quit, the week of Thanksgiving, he's one of my inspirations.  He smoked for 45 years.  I hugged him on Christmas morning and he smelled so clean! His beared wasn't drenched in the acrid smoke smell I've been used to my whole life.  I don't know if he'll continue, my mom isn't very supportive.

And Kelly, stick to it.  I'm the difficult one in my relationship.  I think we sabbotage because we don't want to be alone, at least I do.'It's ok if I do it cuz you do it too.' mindset. ' My husband smokes but he smokes one or two a day and usually not until he's home with me.  I've been thinking about that a lot and that's one thing that is going to help me through.  I want us to quit together instead of smoke together.  I quit once before and it lasted three weeks.  I remember the stale smell in all my clothes and my car.  I had everything cleaned out and smelling good just in time to start again.  I don't want to do that again.  I hope we can all help each other.


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