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Give and get support around quitting


New Quitters Check In!

Hi!  I noticed there are several new quitters this week so I thought we could support you all in one place and you could each get to know your fellow quitters and support one another.

Are you new in your quit?  Did you choose to quit just before the holidays or did you quit on 1/1/2018?  Are you less than 30 days into your quit?

Let everyone know how you are doing!  You can check in here to support each other and get support from the /blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016?sr=search&searchId=37122da5-d471-4574-9...‌ or those who have some DOF (days of freedom) behind them!

Share the victories and the struggles.  You never know how it may touch someone.

294 Replies

hang tough you're doing fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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1 1/2 days  DOF


Keep up the great work Newbie Quitters!  anaussiemom‌ So proud of you!  your Day One was another Day WON!  Keep up the great work!  

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Good Day!

I had no plans, no expectations, no motives, no thoughts of quitting and then one morning I woke up and went out to the patio to have my coffee and cigarette, and for some reason when I lit up I didn't want to  inhale. I don't  know what came over me but I just  looked at my cigarette and said "I AM DONE".....I haven't smoked since.

I WELCOME the withdrawals. It reminds me that my body is recuperating, getting healthier and happier. i feel like I have been "reborn" to some degree. I see the world through different "own". My visions are clear and not distorted. The only enjoyment a smoker gets from a cigarette is TEMPORARY relief from the DISCOMFORTS created by the previous cigarette. Withdrawals are a state of mind called "Restlessness" I stay productive, eat whatever I crave, which is usually healthy foods, Sleep when I am tired, even if it's not my usual bedtime and I smile a lot during the day.....We ALL have a choice......turn your fears, discomforts, worries, anxieties and daily stress around and take ownership. You deserve to be HEALTHY AND HAPPY....everything and everyone else comes secondary. The more you love yourself, the more you will expose that love to others.....its a wonderful cycle.'

Miles of Smiles..



GyorgyiM‌ Welcome to the site and congratulations your 10 DOF!  You are what we call a Happy Quitter and have lots of Quititude!  Excellent attitude!  You also sound a lot like the mantra from a wonderful book by Alan Carr called the Easy Way to Quit Smoking!  Keep up the great work!  

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Thank you for the heartfelt welcome! I shall continue to read these posts to learn, share and offer support in anyway I can to those who feel distress or those  who need a verbal "hug"......Miles of Smiles


GyorgyiM‌, I needed to read that. Congratulations to you! I'm on day 4, but I think I'm waffling today. I can feel it. I'm at work. I leave early today--around 2:45--to head about an hour away to watch my son play in a district band performance. I'm not sure I'm ready to drive that long / far.  It's a beautiful day, the kind of day when I'd look forward to grabbing a fountain drink, opening up the sun roof, and smoking my way down the highway. The temptation is strong. I could NOT go, but I'd really hate to miss it. My son made 2nd trumpet out of over 85 trumpets in the district. That's a huge accomplishment, and I want to be there for him. Positive vibes, good thoughts, prayers, whatever ya got.....I could use them today! 

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Get that big fountain drink so you can sip on it on the way.  Roll those windows down and open the sun roof and enjoy the CLEAN air!  Get mints.  Have gum!  Driving was scarry for me in those first few days.  Grab some carrots or celery to crunch on.  Now is the time to make new memories of driving down the road!  Make sure you have tools with you to get through the drive.  Don't stop while driving....then you can't buy smokes.  Just drive until you get to your destination.  Celebrate that you made it without a smoke.  If you can do it once, you can do it again....and again....and again.

One second at a time.....this too shall pass.  Just because you have a though does not mean you need to act or react to it.



Noooooooooooo dont "waffle", turn that AROUND. Ask yourself, if you had a smoke right now, WHAT WOULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE? The two minutes you took to inhale poison (nicotine) just to start this horrible cycle over an over again...Your craving is an ILLUSION !!!! Its NOT REAL!...Now what IS real is the restlessness you are feeling, so deal with that. Think it through, what if you had already had that smoke? The temporary relief of your discomfort from the nicotine leaving your system. Was it worth it? Two whole minutes of your day and you threw your health in the trash! You are WORTH so much more! Go kiss your guy, go hug your babies and snuggle with your pets......You GOT THIS!!

Wish I could have had your experience about 40 yrs. ago...Or better yet,Never started smoking at all!!!

Welcome and keep all you can to pile those days upon one another. Read,read,read here. Ask Questions...I'm making it because of the this site,the support here.... Spending alot of time preparing for

this Quit! I want this 1 to be my finally Quit!!!!   Prairie 25DOF

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